Chinese-Thai couple arrested with 18,000 sex toys

Sex toys are seized from a house in Lat Krabang district, Bangkok. A Chinese man and his Thai wife were arrested. (Photo: Central Investigation Bureau)
Sex toys are seized from a house in Lat Krabang district, Bangkok. A Chinese man and his Thai wife were arrested. (Photo: Central Investigation Bureau)

Police on Thursday arrested a Chinese man and his Thai wife for the alleged possession of more than 18,000 sex toys.

Huang Faling, 28, and his 24-year-old wife Piyanan were arrested at their house in Lat Krabang district, Bangkok.

The arrest came after a search of their house revealed about 18,000 sex toys, and the couple confessed to owning them.

The couple had previously registered their business for selling massage equipment, employing other people's identities for both business registration and product deliveries, police said.

They also owned houses in Samut Prakan and Bangkok. The Lat Krabang house served as a storage site for the illegal items, police said.

During questioning, the couple admitted to having been in the business for three years, generating 10 million baht in revenue.

In April this year, the Democrat Party pledged to push for the legalisation of sex toys. While sex toys are currently illegal in Thailand, they are being smuggled into the country due to demand, the party said.

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  • admitted (verb): agreed that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry or surprised about it - ยอมรับ
  • arrest: (of the police) taking someone to a police station because they are believed to have committed a crime - การจับกุม
  • confessed (verb): admitted to having committed a crime - สารภาพผิด
  • identity: who or what somebody/something is - ชื่อ เอกลักษณ์
  • legalisation (noun): the fact of making something legal - นิติกรณ์
  • pledge: to make a serious promise to do something - สัญญา
  • questioning: when the police asks a person questions in the investigation of a crime -
  • reveal: to show something that was covered or hidden - เปิดเผย
  • revenue: income from taxes or business activities - รายได้
  • smuggle: to take things or people to or from a place secretly and often illegally - ลักลอบนำเข้า
  • storage: the putting and keeping of things in a special place for use in the future - การเก็บ
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