Drunk policeman kills woman

A drunken policeman collided with a motorcycle in Kanchanaburi, killing the rider. The officer, who was driving his own pick-up, was found to have six times the legal alcohol limit in his blood.

The accident took place on Sunday at about 4pm in Tha Muang district.

Police later identified the dead motorcycle rider as Daorung Klinhom, 48.

Five metres away from the scene was a Toyota pickup truck whose driver was reported to be Pol Sub Lt Somya Bantaotuk, 35, a deputy superintendent of Kanchanaburi Provincial Police.

Somya had refused to get out of the car for fear of being attacked by a crowd that had gathered.

Footage captured by security cameras showed that Daorung was riding her motorcycle in the leftmost lane before Somya suddenly veered into her from the fast lane.

A daughter of the victim urged the officers responsible for the investigation not to give Somya any help because he is a colleague.

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  • capture: to film/record/paint, etc. somebody/something - เก็บภาพ, จับภาพ
  • colleague (noun): someone who works in the same organisation or department as you do or someone you know who has the same type of job - เพื่อนร่วมงาน
  • deputy: a person whose rank is immediately below that of the leader of an organisation - รอง
  • gather (verb): to come/bring together in a group - รวมกลุ่ม, รวมตัวกัน, จับกลุ่มกัน, ชุมนุม
  • refuse (verb): to say or show that you will not do something; to say or show that you will not do something that someone has asked you to do - ปฏิเสธ
  • scene: site; a place where something happens or happened - สถานที่เกิดเหตุ
  • superintendent: a senior police officer - เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจระดับสูง
  • veer (verb): to suddenly move in a different direction - เบน, แฉลบ เสียทิศทาง
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