12 arrests over Klong Toey student, teacher killings

Police arrest a suspect during raids in Nonthaburi, Bangkok and Samut Prakan on Monday morning. Twelve suspected members of a large crime syndicate were arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of a student and a teacher in Bangkok's Klong Toey area on Nov 11.  (Photo: police)
Police arrest a suspect during raids in Nonthaburi, Bangkok and Samut Prakan on Monday morning. Twelve suspected members of a large crime syndicate were arrested in connection with the fatal shooting of a student and a teacher in Bangkok's Klong Toey area on Nov 11. (Photo: police)

Twelve suspected members of an organised crime gang were arrested in a police operation on Monday in connection with the fatal shooting of a student and a teacher in the Klong Toey area on Nov 11.

Thanasorn Hongsawat, 19, a first-year student at Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Uthenthawai Campus, was shot in his chest and neck.

Teacher Sirada Sinprasert, 45, of Sacred Heart Convent School, was hit in the head by a stray bullet while she withdrew money from a nearby ATM.

The Nov 11 shooting at first appeared to be retribution, with the teacher as collateral damage, in a feud between students from rival vocational schools. However, further investigation by metropolitan police revealed that the shooter and his partner, who drove the motorcycle used in the shooting, were part of a crime syndicate with at least 84 members.

Later in November police searched for more suspects, arresting nine and also learning of a secretive LINE app room used by the syndicate.

Warrants were subsequently issued for the arrest of the three prime suspects - alleged shooter Anawin Kaewkeb, Abdulloh Dueramae, the motorcycle driver, and Noppawut Ruangsri, suspected of being part of the killer's team - and other suspects. 

Police swooped in early Monday with 200 officers raiding 14 locations in Bangkok, Nonthaburi and Samut Prakan.

Twelve suspects aged 20-33 years were arrested, including a 24-year-old woman. They were charged with illegal assembly with murderous intent.

During the raids police seized two knives, a handgun, a box of .45 ammunition and 11 T-shirts with the logos of various vocational schools.

The three prime shooting suspects, all in their 20s, remain at large, with "most wanted" notices posted for their arrest. Police believe they are still in Thailand, hiding with assistance from other members of the crime syndicate.


  • ammunition: bullets, bombs, etc that can be fired from a weapon - อาวุธยุทธภัณฑ์, ลูกกระสุน
  • assembly (noun): a group of people who have gathered together การชุมนุม, การประชุม - การชุมนุม, การประชุม
  • at large: not having been caught by the police - ลอยนวล, ยังไม่ถูกจับกุม
  • collateral damage: damage that happens that was not intended; accidental damage; not what was planned or wanted -
  • feud: an angry disagreement between two people or groups that continues for a long time; row; dispute - ความอาฆาต
  • intent (noun): your plan or purpose - จุดประสงค์, เจตนา
  • murderous (adj): intending or likely to murder, i.e., to kill people - เกี่ยวกับการฆาตกรรม เกี่ยวกับการฆ่า
  • operation: a planned activity involving a lot of people, especially soldiers or police officers - การปฏิบัติการ
  • prime suspect: the person police think is most likely to have committed a crime -
  • raid: to forcefully and suddenly enter a place to catch criminals or to search for something like drugs - ใช้กำลังเข้าค้นสถานที่หรือ จับกุมคนร้าย
  • retribution: severe punishment for something seriously wrong that somebody has done - การแก้แค้น, การจองเวร,กรรมสนอง
  • rival (adj): (of a person, company, thing, etc.) competing with another person, company, thing, etc. - ที่เป็นคู่แข่งกัน
  • secretive: deliberately not telling people things - ซึ่งปิดปาก
  • seized: taken away by force or official power - ถูกยึกครอง
  • stray: away from the correct place or path - พลัดหลง, หลงทาง
  • subsequently: happening or coming after something else - ซึ่งตามมา
  • swoop: (1) to make a sudden attack on a place or group of people in order to surround and catch them - โจมตีอย่างรวดเร็ว or (2) to move quickly down from the air, usually to make an attack. โฉบลงอย่างรวดเร็ว
  • vocational school: a school that focuses on providing the skills necessary for particular jobs - สถานศึกษาวิชาชีพ โรงเรียนอาชีวศึกษา
  • withdrew: took money out of a bank account - ถอนเงินจากธนาคาร
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