Booze warning labels planned

Move Forward Party MP for Bangkok Taopiphop Limjittrakorn shows examples of health warning labels on bottles of alcoholic beverages as stipulated in a draft regulation by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee. The warning labels were created by the Craft Beer Association. (Photo: Taopiphop Limjittrakorn's Facebook)
Move Forward Party MP for Bangkok Taopiphop Limjittrakorn shows examples of health warning labels on bottles of alcoholic beverages as stipulated in a draft regulation by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Committee. The warning labels were created by the Craft Beer Association. (Photo: Taopiphop Limjittrakorn's Facebook)

The government is planning to introduce a new regulation that would require the makers of alcoholic beverages to put large, graphic images on every bottle and can they produce to warn the public of the dangers of drinking.

The new regulation calls for graphic health warnings on the packaging, similar to those seen on cigarettes.

The rule has drawn criticism from producers of alcoholic beverages, as well as businesses in the tourism sector, who doubt the requirement will have an impact on consumer behaviour.

Under the new regulation, the graphic warning will cover at least one-third of the bottle. It will be accompanied with text warnings which warn the public of the dangers of excessive drinking, such as "Alcoholic beverages can cause cancer", or "Selling alcoholic beverages to people under 20 is punishable by imprisonment and a fine".

The push was criticised by Move Forward Party MP for Bangkok, Taopiphop Limjittrakorn. He posted a picture of mock-up bottles and cans featuring the new health warnings created by the Craft Beer Association on his Facebook on Monday.

He told the Bangkok Post that he disagrees with the regulation because not only will it not discourage drinking, but it will also increase production costs for small-scale alcoholic beverage makers.

"There is no proof as to how effective the health warnings on beer cans would be, the same way it is unclear whether the warnings on cigarette packs actually reduced smoking," he said.

The Khao San Road Business Association criticised the draft regulation as a step backwards for the country, saying it could affect sales of alcoholic drinks.

Another netizen said she does not think people will stop drinking, and the regulation simply shows that people are being treated as children.

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  • booze: (informal) alcoholic drink - เครื่องดื่มที่มีแอลกอฮอล์ (คำไม่เป็นทางการ)
  • criticism: comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad - การวิจารณ์
  • discourage: to make someone feel like something should not be done - ทำให้ไม่อยาก (ทำสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่ง)
  • excessive: much greater than is usual; too much of something   - มากเกินปริมาณที่พอดี
  • graphic (adj): very clear and full of details, especially about something unpleasant - แสดงชัดเจน
  • impact (noun): an effect or influence - ผลกระทบ
  • mock-up : not real -
  • proof: information, documents, etc. that show that something is true - การพิสูจน์
  • punishable: that can be punished, especially by law - ซึ่งมีโทษ
  • regulation: an official rule that controls the way that things are done - กฎระเบียบ
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