Hotels in Khao Yai may be demolished

Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow arrives at Government House for a cabinet meeting in December. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)
Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow arrives at Government House for a cabinet meeting in December. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)

Hotels and resorts found built on plots of land around Khao Yai National Park, which have been granted to farmers for agricultural purposes, must be demolished and the land seized, Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Thamanat Prompow said.

His vow to crack down on any illegal occupation of the so-called Sor Por Kor land of the Agricultural Land Reform Office (Alro) was made yesterday.

The inspection at Khao Yai will be followed by a nationwide inspection of all other plots of Alro land, said Capt Thamanat.

Those who are aware of their unlawful occupation of such land should turn themselves in to the authorities and surrender the plots to the Alro, said the minister.

The move followed an agreement reached recently between the Alro and the Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation (DNP) to settle their dispute over the ownership of plots of land near Khao Yai.

The two organisations have resolved to ensure that buffer zones are established between forest reserves and land designated for agricultural use.

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  • agricultural (adj): of the science or practice of farming - ที่เกี่ยวกับเกษตรกรรม
  • buffer: a thing or person that reduces a shock or protects somebody/something against difficulties - ตัวกัน
  • crack down on: to start dealing with someone or something much more strictly - จัดการ, ลงมือปราบปราม
  • demolish: to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something else - รื้อ (สิ่งก่อสร้าง), ทำลาย
  • designated: formally chosen - แต่งตั้ง
  • dispute: a serious disagreement - ข้อโต้แย้ง
  • forest reserve: a forest area that is set aside for animals, trees and plants - ป่าสงวน
  • inspection: an official process of checking that things are in the correct condition or that people are doing what they should - การตรวจสอบตรวจตรา
  • nationwide: throughout a whole country - ทั่วทั้งประเทศ
  • occupation (noun): the act of going into a place and taking control away from the people or government there - การเข้ายึดครอง
  • plot (noun): a piece of land used for a particular purpose - ที่ดิน, ที่ดินแปลงเล็ก
  • surrender: to officially give up something - คืน, ยอมมอบ, สละ
  • turn themselves in: go to the police when they suspect you of a crime -
  • vow: a serious promise - สาบาน
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