Chinese tourist killed on zebra crossing

A 67-year-old Chinese tourist is seen in a zebra crossing in Bang Bo district of Samut Prakan, where a pickup truck with fake plates and a siren light struck him on Friday night. (Photo: FM91 Trafficpro Facebook)
A 67-year-old Chinese tourist is seen in a zebra crossing in Bang Bo district of Samut Prakan, where a pickup truck with fake plates and a siren light struck him on Friday night. (Photo: FM91 Trafficpro Facebook)

A Chinese tourist was killed after being hit by a speeding pickup truck on a zebra crossing in Samut Prakan province on Friday night, the first day he arrived in Thailand.

Police are searching for a 35-year-old Cambodian man who was believed to have been driving the vehicle and failed to stop. A search of his apartment indicated he may have fled, and border checkpoints have been alerted.

The fatal crash occurred in front of a hotel near Soi Navamin 4 off Bang Na Garden Road. The incident was reported around 10pm.

Police found a 67-year-old Chinese man lying unconscious on the road with serious injuries. Medics performed CPR on him but could not save him. His name was withheld pending family notification.

A tourist police patrol was in the area when the incident occurred and they noted the licence plate number of the black Toyota pickup truck. The vehicle, equipped with a siren light on its roof, fled the scene at high speed.

A check found that the licence plate number was fake.

Security video from in front of the hotel showed the moment when the tourist, walking on the zebra crossing, was struck by the speeding pickup. The impact threw his body nearly 100 metres. Other Chinese tourists and hotel security guards rushed to help him as the vehicle fled.

A tour guide with the Chinese tour group said they had just arrived in Thailand earlier that day. The incident occurred as the victim, having left a nearby 7-Eleven store, was crossing the road to return to his hotel room.

Later on Saturday morning, authorities found the pickup parked at a construction firm in Samut Prakan. The front section of the vehicle was damaged and its siren light removed.

The vehicle registration showed it was owned by a woman. She told police she had sold it to a Cambodian who worked at the firm several months ago. However, the transfer had not yet been made.

Forensic officers collected fingerprints from the vehicle, which matched those of a Cambodian man identified only as Thon, 35.

Investigators later searched his apartment but it appeared that he and his wife had fled with their belongings on Friday night.

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  • belongings: the things you own - ข้าวของเครื่องใช้
  • checkpoint: a place where people are stopped and questioned and vehicles are examined, especially at a border between two countries - ด่านตรวจ
  • CPR (noun): 'cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (breathing air into the mouth of an unconscious person and pressing on their chest to keep them alive by sending air around their body) - การปั๊มหัวใจ
  • fail (verb): to not do something - ผิดพลาด, ล้มเหลว
  • fake: made to look like something real in order to trick people - ที่ทำปลอม
  • fatal: causing someone to die - ถึงตาย
  • flee (past form: fled) (verb): to leave a place or person quickly because you are afraid of possible danger or consequences - หนี
  • licence plate: a flat piece of metal or plastic on the front and back of a vehicle that shows its license number - แผ่นป้ายทะเบียนรถยนต์
  • siren: a piece of equipment that makes a loud sound, used for warning people - เสียงหวอ, ไซเรน, สัญญาณเตือนภัย
  • transfer: to move someone or something from one place, vehicle, person or group to another - ย้าย
  • unconscious : in a sleeplike condition, usually from an illness or injury - หมดสติ
  • zebra crossing: zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing, crosswalk - ทางม้าลาย, ทางขีดเส้นดำสลับขาว เป็นที่ให้คนเดินข้ามถนน
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