Foreigners caught gambling in Phuket

The five suspects - a Ukrainian man, three Russian men and one Russian woman - are arrested with poker chips worth over 600,000 baht, a gambling table and other items. (Photo: Phuket police)
The five suspects - a Ukrainian man, three Russian men and one Russian woman - are arrested with poker chips worth over 600,000 baht, a gambling table and other items. (Photo: Phuket police)

Five foreigners were arrested and gambling chips worth over 600,000 baht seized during a raid on house Phuket in the early hours of Wednesday.

Police searched the house in tambon Ratsada about 1.30am, acting on information that foreigners often gambled there.

A group of foreigners were playing poker when police arrived. 

The alleged organiser, a Ukrainian, was arrested along with three alleged gamblers -- three Russian men and a Russian woman.

Police seized a gambling table, six decks of cards, 318 chips worth about 79,600 baht, 309 chips worth about 567,925 baht, a sand timer and two computers. 


  • alleged: claimed to be true although not yet proven; claimed to have done something wrong but not yet proven - ที่ถูกกล่าวหา
  • chip: a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambling -
  • gamble: to take an action that involves risks but will bring important benefits if it is successful - เสี่ยงโชค, เสี่ยงทาย
  • gambler: someone who takes risks, especially by betting more, that will bring important benefits if it is successful - ผู้เสี่ยงโชค, ผู้เสี่ยงทาย
  • gambling: the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race - การพนัน
  • raid (noun): a short (surprise) attack on an enemy or group - การจู่โจม,การโจมตี, การบุกเข้า
  • seize (verb): to take control of by force or official power - ยึกครอง
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