Russian charged with kicking pregnant Thai

The Russian woman, identified only as Alena, 40, apologises to pregnant store owner Satika, 34, for kicking her on the leg. (Photo: Satika Oz Facebook and Koh Phangan Facebook)
The Russian woman, identified only as Alena, 40, apologises to pregnant store owner Satika, 34, for kicking her on the leg. (Photo: Satika Oz Facebook and Koh Phangan Facebook)

A Russian woman has been charged with assault after allegedly kicking a pregnant store owner in the leg on Koh Phangan, in Surat Thani province.

Police arraigned the 40-year-old Russian, identified only as Alena, in Koh Samui Provincial Court on Wednesday.

The 34-year-old complainant, named only as Ms Satika, owns a store selling souvenirs and natural products on Koh Phangan, and is eight-months pregnant. She filed a charge with police on Tuesday afternoon, alleging the Russian woman kicked her in the right leg.

Ms Alena was charged with assault causing physical and mental harm, which carries a jail term of up to two years and/or fine up to 40,000 baht.

It is alleged that around 1pm on March 18, the woman entered Ms Satika's store on Koh Phangan wearing shoes. A sign on the door said people entering the store must take off their shoes.

Ms Satika said she told Ms Alena in English to take off her shoes, but she ignored her.

When she repeated the request, the woman allegedly became upset and kicked her twice on the right leg, before walking out.

During questioning, Alena allegedly admitted to kicking Ms Satika and apologised to her. She said had her period that day and it made her hot tempered.

Police would also ask the Surat Thani immigration office to consider revoking Ms Alena's visa.

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  • allegedly: claimed to have done something wrong, but not yet proven - ที่ถูกกล่าวหา
  • arraign (verb): to bring somebody to court in order to formally accuse them of a crime - ฟ้องกล่าวโทษ,นำตัวขึ้นศาล
  • assault: attacking someone violently - การทำร้ายร่างกาย
  • charge: to accuse someone officially of committing a crime - ตั้งข้อกล่าวหา
  • charge : an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime - ข้อกล่าวหา
  • complainant: a person who makes a formal complaint in a court of law - ผู้ร้อง(ทุกข์),โจทก์,ผู้ฟ้องร้อง
  • ignore: to intentionally not listen or give attention to - ทำเพิกเฉย
  • period (noun): the flow of blood each month from the body of a woman who is not pregnant - ช่วงมีประจำเดือน
  • pregnant: having a baby developing inside the body - ท้อง ตั้งครรภ์
  • revoke: to officially say that something is no longer legal - เพิกถอน
  • souvenir: something that you buy during a holiday or at a special event to remind you later of being there - ของที่ระลึก
  • temper: a tendency to get angry very quickly - อารมณ์โกรธ, ความโกรธ
  • upset: unhappy or disappointed because of something unpleasant that has happened - ว้าวุ่นใจ, กังวลใจ, ไม่สบายใจ, สับสน
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