Man kills himself in hospital after talking to ex-wife

Police examine the doctor's room where a man shot himself dead at a hospital in Bangkok on Monday. (Photo: Police via Wassayos Ngamkham)
Police examine the doctor's room where a man shot himself dead at a hospital in Bangkok on Monday. (Photo: Police via Wassayos Ngamkham)

A man committed suicide in a hospital in Bangkok on Monday shortly after talking to his former wife, a doctor who works at the hospital.

Police said the incident happened in the doctor's private room at the hospital in Lat Phrao district. The name of the hospital was not given.

Sutthiphas Thitipornanant, 46, went to the hospital, talked to his ex-wife in her room for about five minutes and handed her some documents, according to police.

The woman then left to visit patients in an adjacent ward, asking him to wait for her in the room. Shortly afterwards, a single gunshot was heard.

The man was found bleeding on the floor in the room, and was later pronounced dead.

Police said the couple had divorced a week ago after being married for one year.

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  • adjacent: very near, next to, or touching - ติดกัน
  • bleeding: losing blood, especially from a wound or an injury - เลือดออก
  • divorce: to take legal action to end a marriage - หย่า
  • document: a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type  - เอกสาร
  • incident: something that happens, usually something bad - เหตุการณ์
  • private: intended for or involving a particular person or group of people, not for people in general - ส่วนตัว
  • pronounced dead: officially confirmed to have died -
  • suicide: the action of deliberately killing yourself - การฆ่าตัวตาย
  • ward: a separate room or area in a hospital for people with the same type of medical condition - แผนกในโรงพยาบาลที่มีคนไข้ประเภทเดียวกัน
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