Humans want monkeys out of Lop Buri

A woman takes photos of a monkey enjoying food at the annual feast for the animals at Phra Prang Sam Yod in Lop Buri on Nov 24, 2019. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)
A woman takes photos of a monkey enjoying food at the annual feast for the animals at Phra Prang Sam Yod in Lop Buri on Nov 24, 2019. (Photo: Pattarapong Chatpattarasill)

Park officials hit back at monkeys after they caused trouble for residents in Lop Buri province by kicking off an operation on Monday to move them out of the area for good.

A dozen workers from the Natural Resources, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department placed cages at several locations in the city in the hope that monkeys would enter them and be trapped inside. Their main target was Ratchadamnoen Road in Muang district.

The department hoped to catch at least 30 monkeys on the first day of the operation, which could last until Wednesday.

Previously they were shooting monkeys with sedatives, but it takes at least five minutes for them to become sedated. By that time they could escape to other places, including going to the top of buildings which could pose a danger to people, an official said.

The hunt started after the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry on Saturday agreed to compensate people attacked by monkeys amid a growing problem in Lop Buri, including at least three major cases this month.

Monkeys caught would be released at the Wildlife Rescue Centre in Nakhon Nayok.

A tailor at a shop in the city said that the animals grabbed anything from people walking in the area. "Sometimes they snatched mobile phones from students. I went after them but I could do nothing because the monkey went up the building," she said.

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  • cage (noun): a container made of wire or metal bars and usually used for keeping birds or animals in - กรง
  • compensate: to pay money to someone because something bad has happened to them - ชดเชย
  • grabbing: taking or holding somebody/something with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly - จับ,ฉวย,คว้า,แย่ง
  • sedate: to quiet someone usually by giving them a drug - ทำให้เงียบ
  • sedative (noun): a drug that makes somebody go to sleep or makes them feel calm and relaxed - ยาระงับประสาท
  • snatch: to take or get something quickly - คว้า
  • trapped: to be in a dangerous or unpleasant situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape - ถูกกับดัก
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