Police form new monkey unit

A Tha Hin policeman in Lop Buri's Muang district on Wednesday keeps an eye on aggressive macaque monkeys that cause trouble for local residents and tourists. (Photo: Tha Hin police station)
A Tha Hin policeman in Lop Buri's Muang district on Wednesday keeps an eye on aggressive macaque monkeys that cause trouble for local residents and tourists. (Photo: Tha Hin police station)

A special police unit has been formed to capture aggressive macaque monkeys that cause trouble for residents in Lop Buri.

The monkey suppression unit began operations on Monday.

Officers will use slingshots against aggressive monkeys.

Previously, police were shooting monkeys with sedatives, but it takes at least five minutes for the animals to become sedated. By that time, they could flee to other places, including reaching the top of buildings, which could pose a danger to people.

The first day of the operation received positive feedback from local residents.

The move comes after the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry on Saturday agreed to compensate people attacked by macaques after a surge of incidents in Lop Buri, including at least three major cases this month.

Officials placed cages across the area and trapped nine monkeys on Monday and another seven on Tuesday. They were taken to a wildlife clinic in Saraburi for a health check. They will then be sent to a suitable place for around two months before being sent back to Lop Buri.

Monkeys have been troubling residents in Lop Buri for several years, with a recent study finding there was a population of 5,709 living wild in the province in 2023. The macaques are protected by the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act.

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  • aggressive: behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person - ก้าวร้าว
  • cage (noun): a container made of wire or metal bars and usually used for keeping birds or animals in - กรง
  • compensate: to pay money to someone because something bad has happened to them - ชดเชย
  • feedback: advice, criticism or information about how good or useful something or somebody's work is - ผลสะท้อนกลับ,การตอบกลับ
  • flee: to leave a place or person quickly because you are afraid of possible danger - หนี อพยพ
  • incident: something that happens, usually something bad - เหตุการณ์
  • macaques (noun): a type of monkey that lives in Africa and Asia - ลิงแสม
  • operation: an activity which is planned to achieve something - การดำเนินการ
  • protect: to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc - ป้องกัน,อารักขา,คุ้มกัน
  • sedative (noun): a drug that makes somebody go to sleep or makes them feel calm and relaxed - ยาระงับประสาท
  • slingshot (catapult): a device which can throw objects at a high speed - ูหนังสติ๊ก
  • suppression: stopping illegal activity - การระงับ การปราบปราม
  • unit: a part of a company or organisation that carries out a particular function; a group of people who work or live together, especially for a particular purpose - หน่วย,กอง,กลุ่ม
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