Thai woman stabbed to death in London

Kamonnan “Angela” Thiamphanit was found slain on Monday morning, 13 hours after a worried friend first contacted police. (Photo: X account of Metropolitan Police)
Kamonnan “Angela” Thiamphanit was found slain on Monday morning, 13 hours after a worried friend first contacted police. (Photo: X account of Metropolitan Police)

Police in London are facing public criticism of their slow response to calls from worried friends of a 27-year-old Thai woman who was found stabbed to death in her home in Westminster.

Kamonnan “Angela” Thiamphanit was found dead on Monday morning in Stanhope Place, near Hyde Park.

British media reports quoted neighbours as saying they heard screams before her body was found.

Police are still looking for a suspect.

The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed on Thursday evening that the dead person was a Thai who had been stabbed.

According to the Daily Mail, officers were contacted on Sunday evening by a friend of the 27-year-old who was concerned about her, but they did not go to the house until 13 hours later.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed that they had received a call at 7.05pm on Sunday and another one from the same person at 9.34 pm, the BBC reported.

“The woman was initially graded as a medium risk missing person prior to the discovery of her body,” the force said in a statement.

Officers went to the home on Stanhope Place at 8.30am Monday. When they forced entry they found a woman dead with “a number of stab injuries”.

Neighbours told the Daily Mail that Kamonnan lived at the address in the affluent neighbourhood in the City of Westminster. The £4-million (185 million baht) property housed the Ethiopian Embassy until four years ago but had since been converted into a number of Airbnb units, they said. It was not known what parts of the property had been rented by the victim.

Neighbours said they heard two “high-pitched screams” and then silence hours before the body was found.

It is thought the victim might have known her attacker as the house has a video entry system at the front door, and there was no sign of forced entry before officers entered on Monday morning.


  • affluent: rich, wealthy, has a lot of money and valuable things - ร่ำรวย, มั่งคั่ง
  • concerned: interested in something - สนใจ
  • criticism: comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad - การวิจารณ์
  • embassy: a building where a group of officials work who represent their government in a foreign country - สถานทูต
  • forced: making someone do something that they don't want to do - บังคับ
  • grade (verb): to arrange people or things in groups according to their ability, quality, size, etc. - แบ่งระดับ
  • neighbours (noun): people who live near you - เพื่อนบ้าน
  • scream (noun): crying or saying something loudly and usually on a high note, especially because of strong emotions such as fear, excitement or anger กรีดร้อง - เสียงกรีดร้อง, เสียงดังแสบแก้วหู
  • stabbed: when someone is killed or hurt by a knife or other sharp object being pushed into their body - แทงด้วยอาวุธ
  • suspect: a person who is thought to have committed a crime - ผู้ต้องสงสัย
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