Phi Phi Island facing drought

The water held in a five-rai area of a private company on Phi Phi Island is running out. The company stopped providing tap water for the island on April 23. (Photo: Khon Krabi Facebook Page)
The water held in a five-rai area of a private company on Phi Phi Island is running out. The company stopped providing tap water for the island on April 23. (Photo: Khon Krabi Facebook Page)

Locals on Phi Phi Island have not had enough fresh water for their needs for over two months, leading to the consideration of temporary closures of some business operations if the dry spell continues.

The island is facing another freshwater shortage after similar incidents during the tourist high season over the past several years.

The Krabi Tourism Association said that the private company that provides tap water for households, businesses, restaurants, hotels and resorts on the island had stopped supplying freshwater since April 23 as the water reserve in its five-rai area was running out.

Some business operators on the island had been forced to buy raw water from downtown areas in Krabi.

A local source also revealed that even large hotels, resorts and businesses on the islands were reportedly nearly out of water reserved in their own wells. Some considered temporarily shutting their businesses down if the situation did not improve.

Krabi's provincial authority had requested that the Third Navy Region supply 100,000 litres of fresh water from its base in Phuket.

On Krabi's mainland side, a source said that many areas had suffered a similar drought as the resort island.

Despite the local authority's attempts to use raw water in reservoirs and a request for artificial rain, the source said that water levels in those reservoirs are now very low.

The water shortage is also affecting tourist attractions in Pattaya and Koh Chang.

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  • artificial rainmaking (noun): using airplanes and chemicals dropped from the air to create rain - การทำฝนเทียม
  • drought (noun): a long period of time when there is little or no rain - ฝนแล้ง, ภัยแล้ง, ความแห้งแล้ง)
  • freshwater: water that is not the sea and is not salty - น้ำจืด
  • mainland: a large mass of land that forms the main part of a country but does not include any islands belonging to the country - แผ่นดินใหญ่
  • raw: in its natural state; not yet changed, used or made into something else - ดิบ
  • reserve: kept for use for something or someone - ที่จัดสรรไว้ สำรอง
  • reservoir: a natural or artificial lake where water is stored - อ่างเก็บน้ำ
  • shortage (noun): when there is not enough of something - การขาดแคลน
  • source: a place where information comes from; someone who gives information - แหล่ง
  • tap water: water that is sent through pipes into building - น้ำประปา
  • well: a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water - บ่อน้ำ
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