Nana thief falls off bridge during chase

A wallet-snatcher was severely injured late Friday while attempting to evade capture by descending four metres from a pedestrian bridge just outside Sukhumvit Soi 2.
A wallet-snatcher was severely injured late Friday while attempting to evade capture by descending four metres from a pedestrian bridge just outside Sukhumvit Soi 2.

A wallet-snatcher was severely injured late Friday while attempting to evade capture by descending four metres from a pedestrian bridge just outside Sukhumvit Soi 2.

Police received a report around 11.30pm that a Myanmar man aged between 35 and 40 had stolen the wallet of an Indian tourist in Soi Nana in Bangkok.

According to witness reports, the suspect managed to run up the steps to the footbridge at Soi 2 but ended up cornered as his victim followed, and he was unable to enter a closed department store at the end of the walkway.

Bystanders said the suspect then attempted to climb down from the footbridge but fell face-first onto a metal barrier.

The nearly four-metre fall resulted in the man sustaining serious injuries, requiring him to be taken to Police General Hospital.

He will be questioned once he is released from hospital.

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  • barrier: a bar or gate that stops people, animals or vehicles from entering a place - สิ่งกีดขวางทางผ่าน
  • bystander: a person who is standing near and watching something that is happening but is not taking part in it - ผู้เห็นเหตุการณ์, ผู้สังเกตการณ์
  • chase: an act of running or driving after somebody/something in order to catch them - การไล่ตาม
  • corner: to get a person or an animal into a place or situation from which they cannot escape - ต้อนเข้ามุม
  • question (verb): when the police asks a person questions in the investigation of a crime -
  • snatch: to take or get something quickly - คว้า
  • snatcher (noun): a person who takes something quickly with their hand and steals it - นักล้วงของ
  • stolen (verb): (past participle of steal) illegally taken from someone/somewhere - กริยาช่องที่ 3 ของ steal ถูกขโมย, โจรกรรม
  • suspect: a person who is thought to have committed a crime - ผู้ต้องสงสัย
  • sustain: to experience, injury, damage, loss, etc. - ประสบกับ (ความสูญเสีย การเจ็บป่วย)
  • thief: someone who steals something. An instance of stealing something is called a theft - ขโมย
  • wallet: a small flat case that people keep money, bank cards, and small documents in and usually carry in their pocket or bag - กระเป๋าขนาดเล็กที่ทำจากหนังหรือพลาสติก
  • witness: a person who sees something happen - ผู้ที่เห็นเหตุการณ์
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