Kangaroo escapes from Chiang Mai Zoo

The kangaroo was seen hopping uphill on the road to Doi Suthep on Wednesday. (Photo supplied)
The kangaroo was seen hopping uphill on the road to Doi Suthep on Wednesday. (Photo supplied)

Staff of the Chiang Mai Zoo are looking for a female red kangaroo that escaped while keepers were cleaning its cage on Wednesday morning.

The zoo's director said keepers were cleaning the cage in the Australian zone and preparing a meal for the two-year-old kangaroo when it escaped at about 7.50am.

“The kangaroo unexpectedly jumped towards the door of the cage. Staff tried to block it but the kangaroo hopped away quickly through the zoo gate,” he said.

The kangaroo appeared frightened when dogs barked as it headed up Huai Kaew Road towards Doi Suthep, before turning into a nearby community. Officials later found its footprints near a stream.

Zoo management have asked local residents to report if they see the kangaroo. Zoo staff have also used a drone to support the search.

The director said he feared dogs could hurt it.

The zoo currently has 23 kangaroos including three male breeders and 15 females.

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  • bark: the short loud sound made by dogs and some other animals - เสียงเห่าของสุนัข
  • community: the people living in one particular area - ชุมชน
  • escape (verb): to get away from a place; to leave a place where you are in danger - หนี
  • frightened (adj): afraid; feeling fear - กลัว, ตกใจ, สะดุ้งตกใจกลัว
  • hopped: jumped - กระโดดขาเดียว
  • keeper: a person whose job is to look after and feed animals, in a zoo for example (zookeeper) -
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