Tourists injured in boat-ferry crash

The bow of a longtail tour boat protrudes through the roof of a navy ferry following an accident at the Tha Phra Chan pier in Bangkok on Thursday afternoon. Three Chinese tourists were injured. (Photo: Disaster relief volunteer team, Boon-Wipa base Facebook)
The bow of a longtail tour boat protrudes through the roof of a navy ferry following an accident at the Tha Phra Chan pier in Bangkok on Thursday afternoon. Three Chinese tourists were injured. (Photo: Disaster relief volunteer team, Boon-Wipa base Facebook)

Three Chinese tourists were injured when a tour boat hit a navy ferry in the Chao Phraya River near a pier in Phra Nakhon district of Bangkok late Thursday afternoon.

The incident happened at 4.50pm when the longtailed tour boat carrying Chinese tourists rammed into the navy ferry at the pier on Maharaj Road.

The impact of the crash left three Chinese tourists — one man and two women — injured.

Staff and officials rushed to help the injured and send them to a hospital.

The tour boat was damaged and sank at the scene while the navy ferry was slightly damaged.

Work is expected to begin later to salvage the tour boat.

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  • ferry: a boat for taking passengers across an area of water, especially as a regular service - เรือรับส่งข้ามฟาก
  • incident: something that happens, usually something bad - เหตุการณ์
  • injured (adj): hurt in an accident, natural disaster, attack, etc. - ได้รับบาดเจ็บ
  • rammed: hit or pushed with force - กระแทก
  • salvage: to save something from being lost completely - กอบกู้
  • sank: caused something or someone to go down below the surface or to the bottom of a liquid or soft substance; past tense of "sink" - จม

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