Police officer surrenders for hospital shooting

Police escort Pol Sgt Veeraphong Buayen to his house in Khon Kaen to search for his gun and other evidence, after he surrendered in connection with a fatal shooting at Khon Kaen Hospital. (Photo: Chakkrapan Natanri)
Police escort Pol Sgt Veeraphong Buayen to his house in Khon Kaen to search for his gun and other evidence, after he surrendered in connection with a fatal shooting at Khon Kaen Hospital. (Photo: Chakkrapan Natanri)

A local police officer surrendered to authorities on Saturday in connection with the fatal shooting of a patient at a hospital in Khon Kaen.

The gunman reportedly confessed that he shot the 29-year-old Myanmar man because he was disturbing his father, who was in the next bed at Khon Kaen Hospital.

Pol Sgt Veeraphong Buayen, 34, turned himself in to Khon Kaen police at 9.30am.

“The suspect confessed to have shot the Myanmar worker whom he had not known before,” the police commander said. “He had just met the victim for the first time and felt that the man had an agitated manner that he didn’t like. This drove him to fire a shot in the head. He said he didn’t known why he had done it.”

The officer earlier contacted police and reportedly admitted to having gunned down Kyaw Swar Aong, 29, at the hospital on Thursday night.  

Police found the victim with a gunshot wound to his head inside a ward on the fifth floor. Hospital staff took him to the emergency ward but he died shortly afterward.

A source familiar with the investigation said Pol Sgt Veeraphong was suffering from depression and heart disease. He was also known to have used drugs, said the source.

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  • admitted (verb): agreed that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry or surprised about it - ยอมรับ
  • agitated (adj): anxious and nervous - ปั่นป่วน, กระวนกระวายใจ, ตื่นเต้น
  • commander: a police offer of high rank - ผู้บังคับบัญชา
  • confess (verb): to admit that you have committed a crime - สารภาพผิด
  • depression: a medical condition in which a person is so unhappy that they cannot live a normal life - ความสะเทือนใจ, ความเศร้าสลด, ความหดหู่
  • disturbing: making you feel extremely worried or upset - ที่ขุ่นเคืองใจ
  • source: someone who gives information - แหล่งข่าว
  • turned himself in: surrendered - ยอมจำนน
  • wound: an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged - บาดแผล

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