Grand Palace graffiti artist gets 8-month sentence

Two police officers rush to arrest a man using black spray paint to write and then cross out the number 112 — referring to the lese-majeste law — on the wall of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok on March 28 last year. (Capture from video)
Two police officers rush to arrest a man using black spray paint to write and then cross out the number 112 — referring to the lese-majeste law — on the wall of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha in Bangkok on March 28 last year. (Capture from video)

A man who spray-painted an anarchist symbol and the number 112 on the wall of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha last year has been sentenced to eight months in jail.

Suttawee “Bang-urn” Soikham, 26, is appealing the Criminal Court ruling and has posted bail.

The native of Khon Kaen was seen by two police officers on March 28 last year spray-painting an anarchist symbol and the number 112 on the exterior wall of the temple that is part of the Grand Palace compound. The number 112 represents Section 112 of the Criminal Code, the lese-majeste law.

He was immediately arrested.

On Thursday morning, Suttawee was found guilty of vandalism and sentenced to eight months in jail.

Cases are still pending against two journalists who were at the scene when the act of vandalism took place. Police did not charge them until Feb 13 this year.

Freelance news photographer Nattaphon Phanphongsanon said after his arrest that he and Nuttaphol Meksobhon, a reporter for the online news outlet Prachatai, were just doing their jobs and had no other involvement.

The police said they had CCTV footage of the two journalists and the artist “planning” the spray-painting. However, there is no audio and it is not clear what the people in the video might be discussing.

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  • anarchist (noun): a person who believes that laws and governments are not necessary - ผู้นิยมลัทธิอนาธิปไตย
  • appeal: to make a request that a court change a decision of a lower court - ยื่นอุทธรณ์
  • bail: money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money  - เงินประกัน; การประกันตัว (deny bail (of a court) to refuse to allow someone to go free on bail ไม่ให้ประกันตัว)
  • case: a matter that is being officially investigated, especially by the police - คดี
  • exterior: the outside part of something, especially a building - ภายนอก
  • freelance: earning money by selling your work or services to several different organisations rather than being employed by one particular organisation - ทำงาน อิสระ, บุคคคที่เสนอตนเองเพื่อรับทำงาน
  • graffiti: words or pictures drawn on walls in public places - การวาดภาพหรือเขียนบนกำแพงในที่สาธารณะ
  • lese-majeste (adj): the crime of offending, threatening or showing disrespect for a member of the royal family - หมิ่นพระบรมเดชานุภาพ
  • native: someone who was born in a particular place - ชาวพื้นเมือง
  • pending: waiting to be dealt with, settled or completed - ยังค้างอยู่, ซึ่งยังไม่จบสิ้น, อยู่ในระหว่าง
  • vandalism: the crime of intentionally damaging property belonging to other people - การทำลายทรัพย์สินโดยเฉพาะของรัฐอย่างไร้เหตุผล

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