Fatal crash in national park

A passenger pickup truck lies overturned in Khao Kitchakut National Park in Chanthaburi on Thursday morning after an accident in which one passenger died. (Photo: JS100 Radio Facebook)
A passenger pickup truck lies overturned in Khao Kitchakut National Park in Chanthaburi on Thursday morning after an accident in which one passenger died. (Photo: JS100 Radio Facebook)

One person was killed and nine others injured, including three Russian tourists, when a passenger pickup truck overturned in Chanthaburi's Khao Kitchakut National Park on Thursday.

The accident took place at 8.30am, on the same day as the park’s annual Buddha’s Footprint Celebration festival, said the park chief.

The group of 10 visitors — seven Thai and three Russian tourists — was returning from visiting the Buddha footprint.

The grey passenger pickup was found 700 metres from the Phra Bat Luang checkpoint. It was reportedly engaged in a regular shuttle service taking tourists to and from the site.

A Thai national died at the scene. The others were injured and sent to Khao Khitchakut Hospital.

Chanthaburi's governor said that the accident was caused by slippery road conditions due to morning dew.

He has delegated the park chief and the district chief to work on compensation for both the dead and the injured.

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  • annual: happening once a year - ประจำปี
  • checkpoint: a place where people have to stop so their vehicles and documents can be checked - ด่านตรวจ
  • chief: a person with a high rank or the highest rank in a company or an organisation - หัวหน้า, ผู้นำ
  • dew (noun): the very small drops of water that form on the ground, etc. during the night - น้ำค้าง, สิ่งที่เหมือนหยดน้ำค้าง
  • fatal: causing someone to die - ถึงตาย
  • governor: a person who is chosen to be in charge of the government of a state or province or a government agency - ผู้ว่าการรัฐ, ผู้ว่าราชการจังหวัด
  • shuttle (noun): a vehicle that takes people frequently between two places - รถส่งไปส่งมา
  • slippery: wet, smooth or oily so that it slides easily or causes something to slide - ลื่น
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