Russian knocked out by new drinking 'friend'

Rescue workers help the unconscious Russian man at the house in Pattaya early on Monday morning. (Photo supplied)
Rescue workers help the unconscious Russian man at the house in Pattaya early on Monday morning. (Photo supplied)

A Russian man was punched to the floor by his new drinking friend after they got into an argument in Pattaya early on Monday morning, and required emergency help.

Pattaya police were called to a house in View Point housing estate on Chaiyapruek 1 Road about 3am.

There they found Igor Yasilyev, 36, unconscious on the floor. Rescue workers had to revive him before taking him to hospital.

His friend said Mr Yasilyev had been drinking at the house with six friends, four of them foreigners. He had only recently met one of them. Both men were drunk and had a heated argument.

The new friend stood up and punched Mr Yasilyev, who fell down. His head hit the floor and he lay there bleeding and unconscious, the friend said.

The suspect fled. Police were looking for him.

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  • argument: a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily - การโต้แย้ง, การแย้ง, การโต้เถียง
  • flee (past form: fled) (verb): to leave a place or person quickly because you are afraid of possible danger or consequences - หนี
  • heated: angry - โกรธ, ฉุนเฉียว
  • knock out (verb): to make somebody fall asleep or become unconscious, usually by hitting them very hard - ชกจนสลบ, เตะจนสลบ
  • revive: to come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or use - ทำให้ฟื้นชีพ
  • suspect: a person who is thought to have committed a crime - ผู้ต้องสงสัย
  • unconscious : in a sleeplike condition, usually from an illness or injury - หมดสติ
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