British tour guide arrested in Koh Phangan

Police arrest a British man, 25, at a hotel on Koh Phangan in Surat Thani province for working illegally as a tour guide. (Photo supplied/Supapong Chaolan)
Police arrest a British man, 25, at a hotel on Koh Phangan in Surat Thani province for working illegally as a tour guide. (Photo supplied/Supapong Chaolan)

A British man has been arrested for allegedly working as a tour guide on Koh Phangan and other locations.

Tourist police and local officials arrested 25-year-old Jabran Elahi at a hotel on Thursday afternoon.

The arrest came after authorities received a complaint about a foreigner who allegedly worked as a tour guide, taking tourist groups to various sites on the southern island. He had hired two vans for his business.

During questioning, the man said he took groups of foreign tourists to different attractions in Thailand. He also offered an 18-day tour package covering many sites in Bangkok, Phuket and Chiang Mai, priced at around 70,000 baht, per person.

The man has been charged with working illegally as a tour guide and being a foreign national working without a work permit.


  • allegedly: claimed to have done something wrong, but not yet proven - ที่กล่าวหา
  • attraction: something that creates interest and brings people to see it - การดึงดูดความสนใจ
  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การบ่น, ข้อที่ไม่พอใจ
  • national: a citizen of a particular country - ประชาชน
  • officials: people who have the power to make decisions or enforce the law - เจ้าหน้าที่ผู้มีอำนาจ
  • work permit (noun): the official permission for a foreigner to work in a country - ใบอนุญาตทำงาน
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