Thai teen designs new Red Bull F1 livery

Chalaj Suvanish, 16, poses with the racing livery he designed for the Red Bull team's Formula One cars. (Photo: Prince Royal’s College Facebook)
Chalaj Suvanish, 16, poses with the racing livery he designed for the Red Bull team's Formula One cars. (Photo: Prince Royal’s College Facebook)

A 16-year-old Thai schoolboy designed the new livery for the Red Bull team's Formula One cars competing in the British Grand Prix at the Silverstone circuit in England.

Chalaj Suvanish, a Grade 11 student at Prince Royal’s College in Chiang Mai, won the design contest with his “Stallion Red” livery for Red Bull cars.

An avid racing fan, Chalaj entered his design in the first REBL CUSTMS racing car livery contest this year. 

His design is the first REBL CUSTMS look of the season, according to Oracle Red Bull Racing.

"I love watching Oracle Red Bull Racing win and I can’t describe how it would feel to see them win in my livery,” Chalaj said in a post on the X platform.

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  • avid: extremely eager or interested - กระตือรือร้น
  • compete: to try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you - แข่งขัน
  • design (verb): to think of and plan a system, a way of doing something, etc - ออกแบบ, วางแผน, กำหนด
  • livery: (British English) the special colours and designs that a company uses on its products or vehicles that help identify them as belonging to the company -

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