Hyundai Motor builds first hydrogen charging station in Seoul
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Hyundai Motor builds first hydrogen charging station in Seoul

An artist impression shows a hydrogen fuel charging station to be built in Seoul by Hyundai Motor. (Photo from Hyundai Motor Co via Pulse)
An artist impression shows a hydrogen fuel charging station to be built in Seoul by Hyundai Motor. (Photo from Hyundai Motor Co via Pulse)

South Korea’s Hyundai Motor Co on Thursday broke ground for what would the world’s first hydrogen fuel charging station on a legislative premise in a symbolic show of Korea’s commitment to hydrogen economy.

South Korea is the first country that decided to build a hydrogen charging station at the central legislative building located at the commercial district of Yeoui-do to be completed in August. This would be Seoul’s first commercial hydrogen charging station, which will be open also to the public and taxi drivers. 

The project was reviewed as the first business model eligible to take advantage of a regulatory sandbox, leading to a reduction in the approval time by up to four months. Another review session will be held before May 2021 to evaluate the station’s long-term sustainability.

The new facility is set to be built on land of 1.236 square metres along the street in front of the National Assembly, and will be capable of refuel hydrogen for more than five vehicles each hour or 70 per day, according to Hyundai Motor, Pulse reported on Thursday.

The hydrogen charging station will be run by a special-purpose company where the carmaker is the second largest shareholder. 

Hyundai Motor is speeding up efforts to expand its hydrogen charging station network across the nation. Currently, there are 14 charging stations for hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles across South Korea. The government aims to open a total of 86 additional charging stations by the end of this year. 

Hyundai Motor said orders for its hydrogen fuel cell car Nexo have neared 10,000 since the launch in March. A total of 1,691 units were so far shipped and 5,500 more units are to be delivered this year.

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