Somkid welcomes Huawei 5G, deepens cooperation to boost 5G+AI eco-innovation
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Somkid welcomes Huawei 5G, deepens cooperation to boost 5G+AI eco-innovation

Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak meets Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's founder, in China.
Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak meets Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's founder, in China.

SHENZHEN, China: Thailand welcomes Huawei’s 5G infrastructure construction, and will deepen the cooperation to promote 5G+AI eco-innovation, Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak said on Tuesday during his visit to Huawei headquarters and meeting with Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Huawei’s operations in Thailand. Mr Somkid congratulated the company’s achievements and affirmed its great contribution to the Thailand society in the past 20 years, including building leading digital infrastructure, enabling digital transformation in various fields, bringing ultimate intelligent experience to consumers, and continuously cultivating digital talents.

"The Thai government attaches great importance to 5G, and we hope to launch 5G first in Asean countries next year. Thailand wants to achieve industrial revitalization and intelligence in the 5G era. We hope to carry out more in-depth cooperation with Huawei," said Mr Somkid.

Mr. Somkid hoped that, besides telecommunication networks, Huawei could increase the investment in Thailand in areas such as 5G ecosystem, AI and talent training, in order to help build an industrial ecosystem to promote digital economy, social innovation and sustainable development.

Huawei said 5G technology will support the development of AI. If Thailand could be ahead, it will be faster than others, it added. 5G will be the significant infrastructure, Cloud + AI will create digital economy. We respect the digital sovereignty of Thailand, startup and SMEs from the world around can plant their “own crops” in “fertile soil”, the opensource platform provided by Huawei. With the digital ecosystem, Thailand can establish its own digital society.

Huawei will establish Huawei Academy in Thailand, to explore and cultivate ICT talents, and enable Thailand 4.0. With cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud, AI and Supercomputing, Huawei would enable the digital transformation of government departments and industries, facilitate Startup and SME innovations, incubate innovative ecosystem based on 5G, and drive Thailand’s innovation capabilities from the bottom, in order to joint build the prosperous industrial ecosystem for the fully-connected, intelligent society. 

Under the joint witness of both parties, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation of Thailand and Huawei signed a MoU on “Nurturing Thai digital workforce for innovative and sustainable society.”

Huawei entered the Thailand market in 1999 and successfully participated in the construction of 2G, 3G and 4G networks with innovative technologies. In line with the win-win cooperation, it continuously contributes to the industrial digital transformation and ICT talents cultivation. Huawei's smart devices are welcomed by Thailand consumers. 

In Thailand, Huawei has established its Southeast Asia Regional Headquarters, OpenLab Bangkok, Huawei Cloud Data Center, 5G Testbed, etc. The world’s leading provider of ICT infrastructure and smart devices has more than 3,200 employees in Thailand, 75 percent of whom are local. 

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