Ultimate Success Partners, Thailand's leading seminar organiser with over 22,000 live event attendees, in collaboration with media partner, The Bangkok Post, proudly presents a unique international virtual conference organised to illuminate the way ahead in the time of COVID-19, and motivate the small and medium-size enterprise and entrepreneurial community to seize the unprecedented opportunities to excel.

Immerse in three days of online conferencing tightly focused on the key issues and solutions in the company of some of the world’s most illustrious modern management gurus, as well as leading figures in local business communities. Emerge raring to put your new knowledge to practical use to boldly reshape your business for a bright future.
“360° Business Mastery has been one of Ultimate Success Partners’ main events for the past five years,” explains, CEO and Founder, Chana Wanichapun, himself an international speaker, author and entrepreneur with a master’s degree in Transportation Engineering and a specialization in applying brain science to the modern business world.
“But with international aviation grounded, this year it would be impossible to gather everyone together as we usually do, so we’ve opted to go virtual which actually makes it all more convenient and powerful for everyone.”
All you need to sit at the conference table with international and local luminaries focused on providing practical solutions to today’s viral impediments is a Zoom or Facebook Live connection.
With around 1,000 delegates at these events usually, the freeing virtual format is expected to enable up to 15,000 to benefit this time around. Thanks to the technology, peers will be logging in not only from Thailand but Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, and China. They will be tuning into both mutual sessions with simultaneous translation and dedicated sessions in the language of each country.
If previous years are anything to go by, the audience will comprise around 80% small and medium size enterprise owners and 20% newbies with a start-up in mind.
Partly thanks to the virtual logistical coup, Chana and co have managed to put together a “super-famous” line-up of speakers with huge experience in the business world. As for their credentials, each has survived a minimum of three crises that could have closed them down for good but instead catapulted them to new fortune.
The theme of day 1 is “International Legends” exploring the crisis mindset and the huge opportunities it presents. Speakers include Brian Tracy, the leading sales expert, consultant to Fortune 500 companies, and author of over 70 best-selling books who will explain how to manage business in crisis.
Plus Marshall Thurber, creator of "Money and You", mentor to Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki and Blair Singer, and author of the blockbusting “Rich Dad Poor Dad” who will share his insights into the money mindset.
Day two is when each country hunkers down together to hear from local business experts who have succeeded internationally.
Day 3 gathers together international experts to investigate the “new normal” of consumer behaviour and the predominance of online business. Speakers will include Dr. John Demartini, world-leading human behavioural and business strategist; Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of Wine TV and Vayner Media; Kevin Harrington, inventor of Informercial Shark Tank Investor; and Alex Mandossian, Founder of MarketingOnline.com.
Each speaker will give a 60 minute presentation or keynote address with optional Q&A at the tail end.
Don’t worry: it won't be a pitch-fest: “The contents to be given by each of the global masters will be value-driven, not sales driven,” assures Chana.
“If any business owner is still wondering why they should join the conference, I would put it like this,” he continues. “As governments in Asia largely leave business owners and entrepreneurs to fend for themselves, we have coordinated a line-up of inspirational international speakers to fire up your spirits, and give you clarity in your head and courage in your heart to overcome this crisis and twist it to your advantage.”
“Business owners have family and financial commitments that can be a heavy burden. COVID-19 has been crushing their dreams even more and all they’ve been able to do is sit and wait until it resolves itself. So the mission of the conference is to empower business owners, entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs with the skills they need to embrace a new age of positivity and succeed.”
The standard ticket audience will connect and interact with the conference via Facebook Live.
VIP ticket holders will connect and interact via Zoom which offers the added opportunity to address questions directly to the speakers in a workshop setting.
Last not least, 400 Bangkok Post Platinum ticket holders will enjoy the full VIP experience plus a free day of virtual training by the top speaker, dubbed 360° People Mastery Day.
The global virtual live streaming event will run consecutively in Thailand Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and China. No recordings will be provided. All this and more coming up on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 5,6, 7 June 2020, from 7am to 4pm daily.
Note: Partial proceeds will go to UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, established in 1946 to supply emergency relief to millions of children suffering.

Chana Wanichapun, Ceo and Founder
More details: www.bangkokpost.com/events/360businessmastery