Thousands turn out for hotel jobs
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Thousands turn out for hotel jobs

Some 5,000 job applicants on Sunday turn up at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel in Lak Si district to apply for jobs. They were competing for 300 positions to work at another newly opened hotel of the the Miracle Group. (Miracle Grand Convention Hotel photo)
Some 5,000 job applicants on Sunday turn up at the Miracle Grand Convention Hotel in Lak Si district to apply for jobs. They were competing for 300 positions to work at another newly opened hotel of the the Miracle Group. (Miracle Grand Convention Hotel photo)

Thousands of job applicants on Sunday turned up at Miracle Grand Convention Hotel in Lak Si district before sunrise to apply for 300 vacant positions at the new Miracle Group hotel.

At least 5,000 people were reported to have arrived at the hotel by 4am to apply for the jobs.

Some were reported to have slept at the hotel gate as they waited to apply for the positions at 8am.

The applicants came from all walks of life -- driving their own cars or riding on buses from other provinces.

The high turnout surprised executives of the hotel who came to greet and take care of applicants.

Miracle Group chairman Aswin Ingkakul told reporters he did not expect so many applicants.

He ordered drinking water, snacks and food for them and arranged for the job application process to start one hour earlier to accommodate the crowds.

"We understand they are having hard times. So our staff members were ordered to treat them with respect," Mr Aswin said.

"We still have jobs, while these applicants do not so we need to understand them and treat them with kindness."

He said the mass turnout reflects the still slumbering economy.

The group has seen a 90% decline in visits from foreign tourists and other local clients during the Covid-19 lockdown.

"But things will get better," he said.

The mass turnout followed advertisements announcing the group had job openings for 300 positions for all levels of staff.

Salaries start from 20,000 baht for low-level staff with possible 7,000-9,000 baht extra payments from service charges.

Mr Aswin said the hotel will announce a short-list within two weeks and arrange for interviews.

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