SET-listed developer Sansiri is bullish on low-rise housing developments, planning to launch 28 new projects worth a combined 39 billion baht in 2022, more than twice as many as last year.
Anat Kittikulmethi, deputy managing director of the project development department for low-rise, said the company's presales from low-rise houses last year outperformed its target by 12%, recording 22.4 billion baht, easily surpassing its goal of 20 billion.
"The low-rise housing market is on the rise despite Covid-19," he said. "This year we will launch in all product categories and all pricing segments with varied locations to tap real demand."
The majority of the new projects are single detached houses at 11 sites valued at 25.7 billion baht, accounting for 68% of the projects, said Mr Anat. Some 12 townhouse projects worth 8.4 billion baht are planned.
Five projects will be a mix of single detached houses, duplex houses and townhouses with unit prices starting from two million baht under the Anasiri brand which saw a growth of 120% in presales last year at 2.6 billion baht.
As mortgage loan rejection remained high in the lower-end segment and 45% of its new low-rise projects will be at affordable prices, Sansiri will apply a pre-approval scheme for customers' mortgage lending needs, said Mr Anat.
Sansiri expected to have 22.4 billion baht in presales from low-rise houses and 22 billion baht in low-rise housing transfer by the end of 2022.
Last year it transferred 18.3 billion baht, higher than its target of 18 billion baht.
Three quarters of low-rise house presales and transfers last year were for single detached houses, with 12% each from townhouses and mixed products.
Mr Anat said one of the new low-rise projects will be located in the inner city for the first time.
The company's new brand -- Demi -- is set to utilise a 10-rai plot on Sathu Pradit Soi 49 with 72 units in a 3.5-storey townhouse development priced between 18.9-35 million baht a unit.