AI specialist contemplates fast-approaching trends
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AI specialist contemplates fast-approaching trends

Country has potential to export solutions

Voice analytics, computer-generated content, computer vision, natural language understanding (NLU) and quantum computing are the prevailing trends amid the rise of artificial intelligence (AI)-based machine learning, according to local AI enabler Bizcuit Solution.

The company also indicated that Thailand has the potential to export AI solutions.

"Machine learning is part of the AI field that is the most popular realm as it can produce results based on human guidance and achieve various tasks similar to humans' judgement," said Suttipan Sutas Na Ayuthaya, founder and chief executive of Bizcuit Solution.

In 2021, the global AI market was worth more than US$74 billion, 60% of which centred on AI machine learning.

The first machine learning trend is voice command and analytics, he said. Voice data enables users to command systems and support identity verification, with many use case applications involved.

"We will gear up for voice analytic development with Thai language support, such as voice analytics from customer surveys," said Mr Suttipan.

The second trend concerns computer-generated content. At present, humans can teach AI to develop its own content that meets demand needs, or create entertainment content for people.

The third lies in the NLU, which is an AI-powered solution that can analyse what language means.

AI will be able to understand humans' needs, not just understand commands, Mr Suttipan said.

For instance, if people say they have run out of orange juice, the refrigerator will understand the need to purchase orange juice by seeking out an online store, comparing the prices and presenting the best alternative, he said.

The fourth concerns computer vision, which is a field of AI that enables computers and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images.

Video feeds of CCTV cameras can be drawn for AI vision analytics, which can analyse images for various purposes on a real-time basis.

"We will see the real-time road traffic command and control through the use of computer vision," Mr Suttipan said.

The fifth trend, he said, covers quantum computing, which can deliver a massive upgrade for AI capability.

He said the company has developed NLU tech that has the ability to understand the real intention of users when using the same words for different purposes, such as sarcasm and complaints.

The firm has a strong customer base in the retail, restaurant, financial and e-commerce realms. There has also been an uptick in usage among manufacturing sectors. Its NLU tech supports the Tagalog, Thai, English and Bahasa languages.

About 80% of the firm's customers are local users, while other Asean countries contribute the rest.

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