IEAT plans to build 2 BCG estates
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IEAT plans to build 2 BCG estates

The Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) plans to build two new so-called "BCG industrial estates" in Rayong and Lamphun under a 3-billion-baht investment.

BCG stands for bio-, circular and green economic development, which promotes manufacturing that adds value to products and causes little or no impact on the environment.

The BCG industrial estates will specifically serve investors who are seeking new areas suitable for the electronics industry, said Veeris Ammarapala, governor of the IEAT.

"The IEAT board approved the project on Nov 22. Now the National Economic and Social Development Council is considering its details before forwarding it to the cabinet for the final say," he said.

The BCG industrial estate in Rayong would sit within a 1,482-rai area of Muang district while the other would be located on a 653-rai area in Lamphun's Muang district.

"In Lamphun, foreign investors want to buy land to build their electronics factories. Five companies have already shown an interest in buying plots of land, around 100 rai for each company," he said.

The five companies came from Taiwan, China and Japan. They want to expand production facilities, currently based in the Lamphun Industrial Estate.

The IEAT runs the Lamphun Industrial Estate which houses many electronics firms.

Mr Veeris said the IEAT also plans to build another industrial estate on a 2,000-rai area in Phichit to support bamboo processing factories.

"We are in talks with Chinese investors who want to invest in the bamboo business by using the plant as a raw material for making furniture and fuel," said Mr Veeris.

The Chinese investors are interested in working with bamboo farmers in Phichit and Phitsanulok under contract farming.

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