NBTC targets violations by US sites
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NBTC targets violations by US sites

Local embassy's help sought to protect IPR

The telecom regulator has asked the US embassy for help with 788 encrypted web pages or URLs in America that violate intellectual property rights (IPR) in Thailand.

The move comes after numerous complaints received by the newly established Center of Operational Policing for Thailand Against Intellectual Property Violations and Crimes on the Internet Suppression (Coptics).

Many illicit URLs are unable to be processed because of technical complications.

Takorn Tantasith, secretary-general of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, said the NBTC sent a letter on Jan 28 to charge d'affaires Peter Haymond asking for assistance from the embassy. Details of the URLs were attached with the letter.

Mr Takorn said the NBTC is operating in line with government policy to tackle and suppress online infringement of IPR.

Stationed at the NBTC head office, Coptics was jointly established by the NBTC and the Royal Thai Police in December.

The centre has received complaints indicating that 1,080 URLs violate IPR.

Of the total, 89 URLs were made inaccessible by the office of the NBTC, while 991 are encrypted and can only be taken down or made inaccessible by the content generator or the platform owner.

The websites' contents are stored in many locations, including the US, Singapore and Panama.

Mr Takorn said the NBTC notified the embassy about 788 URLs of encrypted websites located in the US.

"We [the NBTC] request collabo- ration from the embassy to take action upon its jurisdiction in order to prevent further damages regarding the IPR violation," he said.

With the establishment of Coptics, the NBTC aims to block illegal content, especially IP violations and crimes on the internet, within three days. Previous procedures could take up to six months.

"We will speed up the enforcement procedure and lessen the damage of IP violations in the digital era," Mr Takorn said.

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