Dexon to ramp up low season revenue
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Dexon to ramp up low season revenue

Latter half crucial to firm's performance

Engineers inspect a pipeline for Dexon Technology.
Engineers inspect a pipeline for Dexon Technology.

Dexon Technology, a Thai pipeline inspection company, plans to rack up revenue during the low season for power demand in the second half, when companies in the power and industrial sectors tend to slow operations.

Earnings in the third and fourth quarters are crucial to the company's business performance, said chief executive Mallika Kaekla.

She said the company's revenue, both domestic and international, typically increases in the second half, aligning with scheduled shutdowns for repair and maintenance in the energy, infrastructure and industrial sectors.

Dexon Technology projects 41% of its revenue will arrive in the first half, amounting to 271 million baht, with 59% or 376 million expected in the latter half.

"Customers typically seek our services in the third and fourth quarters annually, so we must capitalise on this trend to boost revenue in the second half," said Ms Mallika.

Energy demand and infrastructure development projects typically peak during the hot season and high season for tourism.

Companies often increase infrastructure activities and prepare for surges in power demand during this time, then scale back operations during the rainy season, she said.

Dexon reported its revenue for the first quarter in Thai and Southeast Asian markets decreased by 2% to 143 million baht, down from 145 million year-on-year, attributed to offering reduced services.

The company is strategising to generate additional stable revenue from overseas markets, searching for new strategic partnerships, said Ms Mallika.

Last year, Dexon expanded its business into the US by establishing wholly-owned subsidiary Dexon Technology USA Inc with registered capital of US$1 million.

In the Netherlands, Dexon Technology Europe BV was established with registered capital of €650,000.

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