Ministry ramping up soft power drive
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Ministry ramping up soft power drive

Mr Phumtham inspects local products at a press conference held on Thursday at the ministry.
Mr Phumtham inspects local products at a press conference held on Thursday at the ministry.

The Commerce Ministry is showcasing prototype Thai SELECT restaurants to promote soft power globally.

In celebration of the 104th anniversary of the Commerce Ministry, caretaker Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai chaired the opening of the "Driving the Thai economy with soft power" exhibition on the forecourt of the ministry building.

Mr Phumtham said the ministry is committed to implementing policies to accelerate the recovery of the economy.

These policies aim to improve people's well-being, increase income, reduce expenses, expand opportunities for the public and ensure a balance between consumers, agricultural producers and business operators, allowing them to sustain their livelihoods and businesses.

In addition, the ministry also underscored the significance of Thailand's soft power to create employment opportunities and generate income.

Soft power has become an important tool in growing economic value and the government aims to foster a creative economy that is developed from national identity, local wisdom and creativity and linked to culture and society, for the further development of the production of goods and services.

The ministry's role is to support this policy by organising meetings, seminars and trade shows to drive Thai soft power, he said.

A model showcases local products that represent soft power at a press conference held yesterday at the ministry.

A model showcases local products that represent soft power at a press conference held on Thursday at the ministry.

In a related development, the ministry is organising an exhibition of Thai SELECT restaurants to promote Thailand's soft power.

The Thai SELECT certification by the Commerce Ministry is granted to Thai restaurants and pre-packaged Thai food products that genuinely reflect authenticity, local wisdom and culture as well as the use of high-quality raw materials such as Hom Mali fragrant rice and geographical indication-registered products.

The ministry also plans to showcase lifestyle products, fashion and crafted designs at 1,600 Thai SELECT restaurants worldwide.

Promoting Thai SELECT food as a soft power internationally serves as a significant selling point for the country and contributes to driving the economy, aligning with government policies, Mr Phumtham said.

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