Monet masterpiece goes back to its hometown for first time
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Monet masterpiece goes back to its hometown for first time

Employees remove Claude Monet's masterpiece "Impression, Sunrise" depicting his hometown of Le Havre at Marmottan Museum in Paris on Wednesday. (AP photo)
Employees remove Claude Monet's masterpiece "Impression, Sunrise" depicting his hometown of Le Havre at Marmottan Museum in Paris on Wednesday. (AP photo)

PARIS - Claude Monet's masterpiece that depicts his hometown of Le Havre is going back to the northern French harbour town for the first time since it was painted there.

The carefully secured transfer of "Impression, Sunrise'' is part of an event celebrating 500 years since the birth of the town. It is being lent exceptionally by a Paris museum to hang in Le Havre at the MuMa museum until Oct 8.

The oil on canvas painted in 1872 depicts the glistening port and was featured as part of the legendary 1874 show that would later be known as the "Exhibition of the Impressionists.''

"Impression, Sunrise'' will hang alongside other works by masters including J.M.W. Turner at the exhibit entitled Impression(s) soleil.

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