Tang Contemporary Art presents "Strength Exercise", a feel-good exhibition that aims to deliver empowering messages to art viewers, until July 9.

An acrylic on canvas by Yeo Kaa. (Photo courtesy of Tang Contemporary Art)
This is a solo show by Yeo Kaa, a Filipino artist renowned for portraying her candy-coloured characters in a seemingly naive, jovial and brightly-coloured world where pain, anguish, distress and violent, confronted social taboos are hidden.
However, she has chosen to deviate from musing on the darker side of human nature and society to more uplifting intimations drawn from recent experiences and realisations as influenced partly by her personal journey during the pandemic when people learned to overcome the toughest of times.
The exhibition presents her spirited stance as she emerges out of the bubble. Her works speak of gathering and cultivating strength -- recognising both its internal and external sources -- and embedding cues on how to go beyond moments filled with self-doubt, anxiety or distress.
On her acrylic paintings, she presents doll-like figurations in pastels from a fantasy world to exude a sense of cheerfulness and youthful energy -- peace, happiness, determination and freedom.
These positive states are straightforward declarations about taking charge and steering the course of one's destiny, a direct expression of her newfound conviction and forward-looking frame of mind.
Tang Contemporary Art is located at Room 201-206 of River City Bangkok, Charoen Krung 24, and opens Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 7pm.
Visit tangcontemporary.com or call 02-000-1541.