Your horoscope for 27 Oct - 2 Nov
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Your horoscope for 27 Oct - 2 Nov


Spot-on horoscope for work, money, coupled & single life from famously accurate Guru's fortuneteller. Let's see how would you fare this week & beyond!

Note: is for work, is for money, is for coupled life and is for single life


Mar 21 – Apr 19

A few things may go awry. Brace yourself for an urgent task or a pressing issue. Work may progress slowly but there will be no mistakes in the end.

Be careful not to spend a lot of money to impress people. Your relatives and friends ask you to go out with them more often.

A moderate level of jealousy isn't so bad for your relationship. Pregnant women should rest more.

A hookup with more than one person may come with an STD.


Apr 20 – May 20

You may be assigned more work. An office biggie of the opposite gender shows you support or helps you secure a promotion.

You have a lot of bills to pay but you'll be able to pay them all in time.

Lovers can't stay mad at each other for long. Both manage their time better and get to spend QT together more.

There are new and existing admirers on the cards for you. You many fancy more than one of them.


May 21 – Jun 20

Work progresses slowly. You and your colleagues may argue over petty things. You may make a wrong decision because you are given false info or a forged document.

An older woman brings you good news. Your portfolio generates a modest amount of returns. Something very valuable that you lent to someone may never be returned.

Going away to a new place with just the two of you can do your relationship a lot of good. Couples may decide to get married or conceive a baby.

Your admirer is likely to be someone from a different cultural background.


Jun 21 – Jul 22

You have a full plate and then some more. Work takes you to places and you don't get to sit in your cubicle much. Your past achievement may bring you a new job or a sideline offer.

A negotiation to buy or sell something big will transpire smoothly. You make more money but save less than you should.

Busy work schedules causes your love to turn lukewarm. A friend may secretly be in love with your lover and plot to steal them away.

A hookup with someone married may happen. Someone may say they have real feelings for you but it's a lie.


Jul 23 – Aug 22

You may receive some office cred for your quality work. You are good at persuading people to see things your way. Things are pretty smooth for you at the office.

You may have zilch to add into your savings because you indulge in the finer things in life too much. If you travel abroad and shop a lot, you may have an issue with customs on your way back.

A younger friend may cause you two to fight. Or you meet someone new and younger who makes it clear that they want to be with you even though you're already in a relationship.

You may meet someone hot as a happy byproduct of attending a workshop or a class to learn new skills.


Aug 23 - Sep 22

Work may progress slowly because of unclear communication. Office drama may happen. It's either an argument with a colleague or a client.

A dispute over money will be resolved, thanks to a mediator who steps in just in time. You have good financial discipline.

You may fancy someone new at a religious ceremony or a volunteer activity. And you may not be able to hide this from your lover for long.

You prefer to do things alone for now. You're in love with your freedom the most.


Sep 23 – Oct 22

A project that you've been working on for some time will finally be complete. A contract will be signed and sealed. An office biggie may help you get a better position.

You may come across an investment opportunity while travelling abroad. Make sure you buy stuff online from reliable sellers or else you may get a counterfeit in the parcel box.

Work keeps you two apart. Love may not be as sweet as it was before but you two are committed to this relationship.

You may meet someone hot through work. Your admirer is likely to be someone who wears a uniform for work or enjoys cosplay.


Oct 23 – Nov 21

You may be reassigned a new job title or moved into a new cubicle. This change comes with an opportunity for you to do things you have never done before. Fret not, because you can quickly settle into your new role. Someone may try to steal your work secret.

Money comes and goes. Your investment yields some returns. You may lose a valuable item.

Lovers have more kind words for one another. Those who are angry at each other will become lovey-dovey again.

Many online matches will be made. You'll hit it off with one of them on the app and IRL too.


Nov 22 – Dec 21

Good news regarding something you've been waiting to hear from finally arrives. Your job is challenging and stress-inducing but it pays handsomely too. You may get the job that you recently applied for.

You may start an online business of your own. What you lost will be returned.

Lovers motivate each other to become better versions of themselves. Don't be serious all the time and don't forget to find time to be sweet to each other.

It won't be easy to start a relationship with the person you like. Your family thinks you can do better.


Dec 22 – Jan 19

You can't perform your best because something is holding you back. You may finish assignments later than expected. Your idea or proposal may be ignored. You may not get what should be yours because someone pulled some strings.

You're a bit behind on your saving goals, thanks to all the parties you're invited to. Your debtor suddenly becomes an elusive ninja. You may have to hunt them down in order to get your money back.

Lovers show more TLC towards each other. Friends may tell you two to get a room.

There's a chance that you may start going out with someone who is pretty wealthy.


Jan 20 – Feb 18

You put the finishing touches to many ongoing tasks that you've been working simultaneously on and start a new one with great enthusiasm. You may be offered a new job.

Entrepreneurs, an opportunity to expand your business is on the cards. A financial negotiation will end in your favour.

Fights in moderation can be expected. If you're two-timing, you'll be forced to choose only one.

A hookup with your friend's lover may happen. Or you fall for someone your friend also fancies. What do you value more — friendship with this particular friend or your chance at love?


Feb 19 – Mar 20

You're tasked to take on something no one else wants to do. Take it as a compliment. You may also be asked to finish work someone else left behind. Old issues may come back but you'll fix them swiftly.

A sum of money that you've been waiting for finally arrives. A business owned by several partners brings with it many conflicts.

Couples are busy bees, working hard to build a future together. They get along well too.

Be ready for a possible rejection. Maybe you should focus on work only for now.

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