Thailand is home to integrative cancer care
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Thailand is home to integrative cancer care

Ask yourself the question, "Do I like to have options?"


For most of us, it is the freedom of choice. The freedom to choose where to live, who to love, and how to raise a family is satisfying enough. Together with sustenance and shelter, most can achieve peace of mind.

For all of us, poor health interrupts the peace, and mere survival exceeds place, partner, and procreation as our fundamental pursuit. Fortunately, modern medicine provides plenty of options for overcoming illness and regaining our sense of serenity, including an alternative to or support for radiation therapy and chemotherapy in the treatment of cancer.

Modern specialists such as Miskawaan Integrative Cancer Care heal people by targeting their tumours, relieving the symptoms, reducing side effects of treatments, and treating the underlying causes.

An alternative to radiation and chemotherapy

Believe it or not, it has been roughly a century since radiation and chemotherapy were introduced to fight cancer. And alongside the surgical removal of tumours, they are still the most common treatments in "conventional oncology" today.

The bad news is that conventional oncology doesn't always succeed in eliminating tumours, and its side effects can reduce patients' quality of life as much as their cancer's debilitating symptoms do.

The good news is that there's an effective alternative to conventional oncology known as Integrative Oncology. Integrative oncology combines therapies that are bio-identical to nature aimed directly at tumours with supplemental treatments that reduce side effects and treat cancer's underlying causes.

The interesting thing about this kind of gentler, whole-body cancer care is that it is designed for the individual, and it happens to be available in Bangkok.

Personalised, cancer-focused therapies

The worldwide doctors' oath to "first, do no harm" is a guiding principle for healthcare professionals. Director at Miskawaan and Chief Medical Dr. Johannes Wessolly, is fond of saying, "The most effective cancer treatments target the tumour without damaging the rest of the body."

Dr. Wessolly's proprietary therapies aim to make clients' bodies and minds even healthier than before their tumour-targeting treatments began. This approach is not based merely on conventional beliefs, empirical data, and standard protocols, but rather on a comprehensive personalised diagnosis.

A modern laboratory must employ advanced diagnostic techniques so their specialists can formulate highly precise profiles of a malignancy's location, size and metastasising potential. This advantage, in turn, allows them to prepare cancer-focused therapies that truly target tumours, no matter the type of cancer.

The available therapies are wide-ranging and therefore can be delivered in combinations appropriate to the individual diagnosis such as:

  • Metabolomic therapy – This approach disrupts metabolism of cancer cells which is central to tumours' ability to resist treatments, and capacity to replicate. It also targets chronic inflammation and pain.
  • Ozone therapy – Ozone therapy has been utilised and heavily studied for more than a century. This treatment starts when blood is drawn, infused with activated ozone gas (O3), and returned to the body. The therapy increases oxygen release from the red blood cells to the tissues, stimulates production of antioxidative enzymes, and activates immune system.
  • NK cell-based cancer immunotherapy – Natural Killer (NK) cells are components of our innate immune system patrolling throughout the body looking for infected cells and cells that have turned into a tumour. The numbers and activities of NK cells are usually suppressed by signals from solid tumour tissues. Therefore, multiplication and activation of activated NK cells is an alternative strategy against cancer.

Advance therapy monitors the patient's reaction to the multi-faceted treatment adjusting and emphasising the best treatment combination for that patient and that cancer.

These therapies go on offense targeting tumours and play defence against underlying causes like chronic inflammation, toxins in the tissues, and weakened immune systems. In addition, the patent experiences far fewer side effects than with conventional oncology which, in turn, provides more strength and stamina for the fight.

Rejuvenating recovery for body, mind, and spirit

The personalised therapies for breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and cervical cancer can be delivered in state-of-the-art clinics in Bangkok. The R&R (Rejuvenation & Recovery, Rest & Relaxation, can be enjoyed in Natural surroundings, which Thailand can offer.

Following their cancer-focused therapies, patients need to receive daily doses of lifestyle medicine, including personalised anti-cancer meals, customised fitness and yoga routines, as well as toxin-eliminating and immune-boosting treatments to ensure they return home with a strong body and mind. All these facilities can be provided in Thailand.

Who is integrative oncology for?

Seeing that radiation and chemotherapy sometimes reduce a cancer patient's quality of life even further, Dr. Wessolly knew he had to do something to improve existing cancer protocols.

What he has done is to give cancer patients another option, a choice, an alternative that includes world-class diagnostics, cancer-metabolomics-targeted treatments, and rejuvenating lifestyle therapies all under one roof. It is comprehensive, personalised and, most importantly, effective, with programs designed for both diagnosed and undiagnosed clients.

They could be someone already treated successfully by conventional oncology who would like to receive maintenance therapies; or someone treated unsuccessfully who is ready for something new; or someone sceptical of traditional cancer treatment who is convinced by the literature on integrative cancer treatment; or someone exhibiting risk factors who is looking for preventive, lifestyle-adjusting detox plans.

Advanced technology professionals understand that a tumour is a sensitive, life-changing personal matter that takes a toll physically, psychologically, and spiritually. And they're ready to help.

By Miskawaan Health Group (MHG) @ – – tel (0)2086 8888.

Series editor: Christopher F. Bruton, Executive Director, Dataconsult Ltd,

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