Explore the benefits of studying in EU
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Explore the benefits of studying in EU

(Photo courtesy of Alliance Française Bangkok)
(Photo courtesy of Alliance Française Bangkok)

In light of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Alliance Française Bangkok is holding the "Studies And Career Opportunities In The European Union" fair on Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

Held in collaboration with the Embassy of France and its European partners, the one-day event is open to all interested persons to meet with representatives from student agencies and universities from 12 European countries.

They will provide information on the European Higher Education system (BA, MA and doctorate) and grant programmes. Participants are also invited to join conferences on three interesting topics.

"Studying In The EU" will feature a presentation of the BA, MA and doctorate system and grant opportunities such as Erasmus+ and Student Schengen visa, from 10am to 11.20am.

Former Thai students who studied in Europe will be sharing their experiences of studying in European universities and living in Europe during "Alumni's Success Stories", from 1pm to 2.20pm. They will also talk about their academic fulfilment, challenges and the career benefits of studying in the EU.

Then, learn about the profiles of European companies based in Thailand and the Southeast Asia region during "Career Opportunities With European Companies" from 3pm to 4.20pm.

This topic will help participants choose the right academic field for their careers. They will also meet with representatives of European companies and members of several chambers of commerce to learn more about opportunities.

The conferences will also be streamed live via facebook.com/AllianceFrancaiseBangkok. Alliance Française Bangkok is on Witthayua Road. There is no admission fee.

Visit afthailande.org or call 02-670-4232.

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