Your horoscope for Sept 9-15
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Your horoscope for Sept 9-15


Your spot-on horoscope for work, money, couples & singles from the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week & beyond!

- (⛹) is for work, (฿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
- You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⛹) You become more creative, proactive and productive next week. You impress everyone in the office and may get to be a leader for the first time. If you're a junior, you'll be given more power in decision-making.

(฿) You buy more stuff online but you exceed your income goal so there's no problem. A financial negotiation will end in a win-win situation for all parties involved.   

(♥) Couples who are working on their dream will get help from someone whom they least expect. They put more effort and time into their sexy times.   

(⚤) You may get to meet someone you first met online on an IRL date and you can tell that they're smitten by you.  

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⛹) You'll finally be free from a sticky situation that you're stuck in. You meet all deadlines with no problems. If your work deal with personal data and numbers, be extra careful. Someone may try to persuade someone in your team to work for them instead.

(฿) You make a lot of money from several income channels. You may even win a lucky draw. Someone who usually depends on you for money start to make their own money.

(♥) If you're married and move into your partner's home, you get along better with their parents and relatives. Unmarried couples may decide to move in together. 

(⚤) You're seeing someone on the DL. You increasingly become more infatuated with them. You two may go Facebook official about your relationship very soon.   

♉ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⛹) Unexpected changes may happen and you may be reassigned to a new team whose members you've never talked to. If you work far away from your hometown, you may decide to start your plan to find a job there and move back.

(฿) Don't buy stuff online, especially from unofficial sellers, as you may receive counterfeits instead. What you lost may be returned to you soon. Be careful not to drop things. 

(♥) Couples who live together may have to live apart for a while because of a job opportunity. They should sit down and plan how to maintain a long-distance relationship together. 

(⚤) Whether you plan to ask someone out on a date or rekindle an old flame, you're likely to fail. If you're seeing no one, someone who recently got dumped may slide into your DMs.    

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⛹) You're gifted at simplifying complicated matters into layman's words. You know what to say to get what you want from colleagues. You deliver in terms of productivity and quality. A reward is also on the cards for you. 

(฿) Someone may agree to lend you money without interest. Investors may get to reap higher-than-expected returns from their portfolio. You spend within budget and are on track with your savings goal. 

(♥) Couples are each other's source of support and strength. They make love more often. If you plan to relocate to live with your partner in a foreign land, it will transpire smoothly. 

(⚤) If you're seeing someone on the DL, you two become increasingly infatuated with one another. You may go public about your relationship to much delight of friends and family.    

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⛹) You may have to perform tasks that aren't in your job description. Someone may pass on a half-done task to you because they need to attend to something more important. It'll be a new challenge that you've never tried but you are eager to tackle it.

(฿) You're likely to exceed your income goal this month. However, be careful not to reward yourself too hard. Someone who owes you money may ask if they can repay you at a later date.    

(♥) Couples argue more and can't seem to let go of issues that they disagree with each other. Trying to convince someone to see things yourself is much more difficult than respecting their view.   

(⚤) Your friend with benefits may ask if you want to start a relationship with them. If you don't think it's a good idea, turn them down gently.  

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⛹) You may face a challenge similar to the ones you've overcome in the past and it won't be able to slow you down at all. An overdue project will finally be finished because the last part arrive late.   

(฿) You may be offered a freelance opportunity. If you're a ricewinner, your dependents may need financial support more than usual. If you're embroiled in an inheritance dispute, you'll get what should be yours. 

(♥) Couples brainstorm and overcome a big obstacle together. Your partner may show a skill you don't know they have. You two may be more adventurous and experimental in the boudoir. 

(⚤) If you're trying to win someone's heart, your competition may show up but you're unfazed by them. If you're not seeing anyone, someone may slide into your DMs.   

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⛹) Someone may break their promise. A very toxic colleague may cause a big drama because you outshine them so much. Keep your brilliant ideas to yourself or else someone may try to claim that they're theirs.

(฿) You enjoy shopping therapy a bit too much. You may spend much more money to reduce work-induced stress and end up saving less money than you should.

(♥) Kids, skip this one. School librarians, cross this one out. Don't be too adventurous in bed. Certain positions may cause too much strain on your body.  

(⚤) You may accidentally discover that someone you're talking to may also be talking to someone else. Don't take this personally especially if you've never brought up being exclusive.   

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⛹) You may need to drop everything to attend to an urgent task. You won't have a smooth week at work but you know how to roll with the punches. You may get to do something you haven't done before. Be open-minded to learn new things and let people in a bit more.

(฿) You may exceed your income goal and win a lucky draw. Someone may present a very nice gift that you know they took time to pick it up just for you. 

(♥) You may share a lot of laughter with your partner this weekend. If your wedding is coming up, everything will go as planned. There will be happy tears and ugly cries.  

(⚤) You may experience love at first sight or swipe. Someone of the same sex may slide into your DMs. If you're hetero, take it as a compliment.    

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⛹) A troublemaker causes a big, well, trouble but you have a plan B ready. You may have to travel for work on short notice. If you're seeking employment at an international firm, your wish may come true. 

(฿) Someone who promises to pay you keeps their word. You may gain a side hustle that you're enthusiastic about. Your hobby can be your source of income if you're really good at it. 

(♥) Couples bicker and banter in moderation. They may use a few tips to spice up their love life. Trying couples become expecting couples. 

(⚤) The first date with someone is on the cards and they may ask, euphemistically, if you want to Netflix and chill back at their place.   

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⛹) Your past achievements may attract new job offers. Your boss may ask if you want to be promoted and take on more responsibilities. If you're unsure, ask for a few days to consider it. Don't be too kreng jai. 

(฿) Artists and content creators receive more money-making opportunities. You hang out with your close friends more and that also means you spend more money.

(♥) Couples enjoy a fun activity together this weekend. They put more effort and time into their sexy time. An unplanned pregnancy is on the cards for unmarried couples.

(⚤) If you're trying to win someone's heart, your effort finally pays off. If you're using a dating service, you may be matched with someone who's really your type.   

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⛹) You may get to add many people to your business contact list. You may have to attend an urgent meeting or two. Even if you're under pressure, you remain cool and calm. An opportunity to show off your abilities is on the cards. 

(฿) A friend may hook you up with a freelance job. You may win a scholarship or a research grant. You finally distinguish between your wants and your needs and realise you earn more simply by spending less. 

(♥) Couples in LDR sense early signs of a break-up. You may discover that your partner is living a double life.   

(⚤) Someone who recently rejected you may start a new relationship. You can't help but feel hurt and only time can heal.  

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⛹) Obstacles can be opportunities for profit or for you to show off. You manage many tasks well and know what needs to be done first. You finish several tasks before their deadlines and finish all that you set out to do next week. 

(฿) You may have to pay for something costly that you don't see coming. You may incur a big debt but it can also generate income for you in the long haul.

(♥) Couples continue to be each other's source of support and wisdom. They may have a little celebration tomorrow for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

(⚤) You may experience a Mondler situation with a close friend. You start to see them as GF/BF material and vice versa.

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