Explore the food history of Singapore

Explore the food history of Singapore


Siam Society is holding a talk on "Migratory Feasts: Voices From The Kitchens Of Singapore" at its Lecture Room, 4th floor, on Jan 26 at 7pm.

(Photo courtesy of siam society)

It will be conducted by Anurag Viswanath, a Singapore-based independent writer who will take participants to explore gender, politics and economics through the vector of food, based on her new book of the same title.

Published last year, the book takes readers on a whirlwind gustatory and cerebral adventure across 16 kitchens in the simmering gastronomic melting pot of Singapore.

Each chapter is centred around a kitchen that serves as a jumping-off point to stories about the past, identity and family, and also broader issues such as migration, food scarcity and geo-political conflict.

The book also features 16 women from different walks of life whose stories span the globe -- from Sri Lanka and Romania to Guadeloupe, Cameroon, Algeria, the Canary Islands, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Peru and Jamaica

Their stories touch on issues such as the colonialist mindset and its influence on cuisine, Instagram-fuelled food snobbery, issues such as frugality and food scarcity, and the feminisation of food preparation.

Participants will take a dive into the cuisines of these countries and discover how food traditions migrate and morph and understand a plethora of similarities between food cultures.

The fee is 200 baht (free for members and students). Email pinthip@thesiamsociety.org or call 02-661-6470--3 ext 203.

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