Exploring the concept of the human body
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Exploring the concept of the human body

A charcoal on canvas by Chatmongkol Insawang. (Photo courtesy of Richard Koh Fine Art)
A charcoal on canvas by Chatmongkol Insawang. (Photo courtesy of Richard Koh Fine Art)

Artist Chatmongkol Insawang invites art lovers to delve into the human body and explore its outer appearance, anatomy and transformations during "Transcendence: Body As Landscape", which is running at Richard Koh Fine Art, until May 27.

On display are a thought-provoking series of paintings and sculptures that represent the body's deterioration through visual form. The artist's personal experience with sickness and death within his family motivated him to seek truth through the philosophy of life and nature, and this is reflected in his art.

The works are both twisted and distorted. They aim to understate the body's being and present it as anonymous and uncharacteristic.

Chatmongkol has always been interested in human nature and his earlier works often touched on the darker side of humans until his mother's illness and later his own changed his focus to other aspects.

This exhibition is a result of his latest developments. The intensity in his work and his mind seem to have reached a threshold, and he has started to release the weight and tension of his fixation on the concept of the human body.

In this series, the artist appears to let go of the matter and the self. In some works, bodies look as if they are parts of a rock formation while in others, he allows bodies to dissolve into the surroundings or a landscape with no boundaries.

Richard Koh Fine Art is on the 9th floor of Peterson Building, Sukhumvit, between sois 26 and 28 and is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm.

Visit rkfineart.com or call 02-037-6944.

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