Diverse art experiences await at Seacon
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Diverse art experiences await at Seacon

Diverse art experiences await at Seacon

Seacon Square on Srinakarin Road has recently allocated around 10,000m² on its 2nd and 3rd floor for "MunMun Art Destination (MMAD)", a new centre for art enthusiasts to present their work, express creativity and make art accessible to all.

seacon square

This is an art community in the heart of Bangkok's eastern side that curates a diverse range of art experiences, encompassing art exhibitions, art markets and craft workshops.

Currently running at the expansive art space are nine exhibitions, each offering a unique perspective and inspirational stories from the art world.

They include "Emerge: Photo Thesis Exhibition 2023" that brings photographic works by students from many institutes, until Nov 5; "Sonic Seasoning", an experimental journey that combines rhythm and melodies with food, until Dec 3; and "Vibe-Bration" that showcases diverse forms of art and perspective through the works of 27 artists, until Dec 8. Two shows that will wrap up on Jan 7 next year are "Childhood: A Solo Exhibition by Sahred Toy" and "Pira Ogawa: My Life Works".

Two more shows that are running until Jan 22 include "Re-Look" that reflects societal phenomena and the dynamic relationships within urban areas through paintings, sculptures, printmaking and art installation; and "Chronicle of Colors" that gathers vibrant works by Vasan Sitthiket, Sitthidham Rohitasuk and Warawut Intorn.

Art lovers are also invited to witness the personal expressions of independent artists who work without constraints during "Language Of The Soul", until Jan 29; and explore themselves through interactive artworks at "Homecoming Mini", until Feb 4.

Visit facebook.com/MunMunArtDestination.

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