Your horoscope for Mar 22-28
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Your horoscope for Mar 22-28


Your spot-on horoscope for work, money and relationship from Guru by the Bangkok Post's famously accurate fortune teller. Let's see how you will fare this week and beyond.

- (⏰) is for work, (₿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life
- Horoscope by Chaiyospol Hemwijit & translated by Pornchai Sereemongkonpol
- You can also view previous ones at

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⏰) Sudden bad news and difficult situations are on the cards, making your work harder than it normally is. You know how to manage priorities and resources effectively. Make sure you send your message to the right recipient when communicating online. 

(₿) As your social circle expands, you attend more events and parties. An opportunity to make extra cash may present itself unexpectedly. Real estate agents, you'll close a big sale. 

(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to be alone. Some time and distance apart make you two miss each other more. Unmarried couples may finally receive a green light from their parents to tie the knot.

(⚤) You meet several potential lovers in the flesh and online. However, you can't decide who is your favourite as each has different appeals. You enjoy being a chooser.   

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⏰) Your main job and side hustle eat up most of your waking hours. Be ready for difficult assignments and toxic people. Keep yourself motivated by focusing on rewards and paycheques. Employers, someone may try to access your confidential info. 

(₿) The more money you make the higher your expenses. If you can't lower your standard of living, then you'll have to work harder to maintain it. Beware of online shopping scams. 

(♥) Couples become busier due to more responsibilities related to their respective families of orientation. You may notice a slight in communication with your partner and address it to prevent any hard feelings.   

(⚤) Even though you prefer staying single, you still catch the attention of several admirers without trying. If you're having a situationship with someone, it may get upgraded into a relationship.    

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⏰) You may have to work longer hours due to a sudden change of plans. However, you'll be able to cope with extra pressure well. You know your boundaries and try to stick to them and know how to say no politely. 

(₿) You may fall behind with your savings goal. If you're travelling to a country known for being one of the safest places on Earth, take due precautions and don't let your guard down. 

(♥) Faithful couples bicker and banter in moderation. They may explore a new place or try a new activity this weekend. If you're cheating, you may get caught and be forced to choose who you want to be with immediately.

(⚤) Someone already taken may slide into your DMs to see if you're interested. Dating app users, you may meet someone for a casual hook-up. 

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⏰) Colleagues come to see you as reliable and are confident in your ability. You radiate positive energy and they're drawn to be near you. You may reach a new personal benchmark. You may go out with your team to celebrate your success.  

(₿) A financial negotiation is likely to end in a win-win situation. Unexpected windfall may fall into your laps. There are no financial struggles on the cards and you put more money into your savings than usual.

(♥) Couples enjoy healthier communication and iron out their differences. They do something fun this weekend to nurture their inner child. A smooth childbirth is on the cards. 

(⚤) Love at first sight/swipe is on the cards for those who are experienced with love. Whether you're trying to turn your friend into your boyfriend/girlfriend or win back your ex, Cupid is on your side.  

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⏰) You're gifted with an ability to explain complicated stuff in layman's terms. When you notice a possible misunderstanding, you'll rectify it before it can cause any conflicts. If you're struggling to finish a difficult assignment, a colleague may help you out.

(₿) Someone presents you with a gift or reward. A compensation or refund that you're waiting for will arrive as promised. You have no problems paying for all your necessities but don't have spare money to spend on anything lavish.

(♥) You may have to tell your partner a white lie to keep your relationship peaceful. Someone may slide into your DMs. They're well aware that you're already taken but they don't care. 

(⚤) Someone in your circle of friends may fancy you but you have no idea. If you've been chatting with someone online, you may get to meet them IRL for the first time soon.     

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⏰) You know how to deal with office politics and conflicts. You deliver more in terms of quality and quantity. You tick off all items on your to-do list. A promotion may come with higher pay but also more responsibilities and headaches. 

(₿) Breadwinners, you may have to pay for a few things outside your usual expense. Don't sign on to be a guarantor for anyone regardless of how close you're with them.

(♥) Spouses may sit down to map out their future together. Being honest and open about each other's finances may be difficult but it needs to be done. Don't try to hide any debts or bad money habits.   

(⚤) If you've been casually dating someone, they may want to be in a serious relationship.  

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⏰) If you're stuck on something, you may experience a eureka moment. You become more creative, intuitive and proactive next week and surpass your personal benchmark. You deliver what you promised and people respect you for it.

(₿) You indulge in a few nice things. You may reward yourself too hard and fall behind your savings goal. You may buy something because it's trending only to regret it. 

(♥) Couples know when to spend time together and when to spend time apart. Some time and distance apart do your relationship good. Unmarried couples may discuss moving in together or getting married.  

(⚤) If you're trying to win someone's heart, love is on your side. Dating app users may meet their matches within the same day after they exchanged pleasantries online.  

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⏰) Brace yourself for unexpected challenges and assignments. You may find your true calling and may need to make a big change in order to pursue it. Those in the creative industry won't experience creative blocks.

(₿) Whatever you try to sell, it'll go quickly like hot cakes. Beware of charity and fundraising scams.   

(♥) Staying friends with your ex may irk your partner even though they say otherwise.  Soon-to-be-parents can expect smooth delivery of their firstborns.  

(⚤) The first date with someone you met through work or a friend or your friend is on the cards. You feel excited about it as you have a very good first impression of them. 

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⏰) You're better at reading situations and people. Someone whom you suspect to be a troublemaker proves you right. You meet all deadlines whether they're for solo or group tasks. A promotion offer may trigger an imposter syndrome. You're worthy of good things that happen to you. 

(₿) Speculators and investors may rake in huge profits. You make a lot of money and reward yourself with a few nice things while keeping up with your savings plan. 

(♥) Couples spend quality time and sexy time together. They communicate with each other well. Unmarried or gay couples may decide to move in together.

(⚤) Those who're inexperienced with love may experience love at first sight/swipe. Those who gave up on love may meet someone who make their hearts flutter.   

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⏰) An opportunity to learn new skill or tool on the company's dime is on the cards. Make sure you're up to date with the latest trend in your industry. You can deliever the same results with less effort and in less time. An opportunity to work with someone from another culture is on the cards. 

(₿) If you're waiting for compensation, reimbursement or refund, it'll arrive as promised. If you're trying to sell your asset or someone's else, you'll be contacted by a serious buyer. 

(♥) Someone may slide into your DMs to see if you're interested. They know you're already taken and you can't deny that you're flattered and interested.

(⚤) Dating app users should beware of scammers and catfishes. Someone who ghosted you may try to reconnect. Your heart already knows whether to respond. Trust your heart. 

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⏰) You become more proactive and productive next week. You communicate with colleagues well and are on good terms with all of them. You can be a team player but also can work by yourself without any help. 

(₿) You feel like you work hard enough to reward yourself with a few wants. You may buy something very expensive that your parents disapprove of but you know that it's a highly sought after item among collectors. 

(♥) Couples know when to be joined at the hip and when to spend time on their own. Unmarried couples may feel the pressure from their parents to get married already. They also want to see grandkids before they die. 

(⚤) The first date with someone you really like is on the cards. Someone from another culture may show romantic interest in you even though you consider yourself not the type that foriegners usually go for.  

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⏰) You understand things quickly. You make sure everyone in your team is on the same page and know what's expected of them. Your content or campaign may go viral for a good reason. You'll do well in any competition.

(₿) Someone in your circle of friends may ask you for a small loan. A good opportunity may unexpectedly present itself. You have no problems paying all your bills. 

(♥) A difficult situation brings you two closer. Cross-cultural couples may discuss their plans to settle down and build a family but can't decide which country should be their base. It may be neither of their homecountries.

(⚤) A well-intentioned cousin or close friend introduces you to someone interesting but you don't fancy them. If you've been seeing someone who's already taken and you're well aware of this, a rude wake-up call is on the cards.

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