Comedy without borders
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Comedy without borders

Life speaks with Vir Das who is bringing his unique blend of humour and social commentary to Bangkok

Vir Das. (Photo: Live Nation Bec Tero)
Vir Das. (Photo: Live Nation Bec Tero)

Comedic maestro Vir Das will be in Bangkok as part of his Mind Fool Tour on Sunday at KBank Siam Pic-Ganesha. The evening promises to be full of laughter, wit and profound insights.

Das is renowned for his unique blend of observational humour and social commentary and his gig in Bangkok is expected to be a highlight.

Mind Fool is more than just a tour title -- it's a concept that taps into the whimsical yet relatable notion of never quite feeling like a fully-fledged adult. According to Das, the show is a celebration of embracing our inner child while navigating the complexities of adulthood. From travel anecdotes to reflections on happiness, kindness, family, love and democracy, Das promises a diverse repertoire that resonates universally.

With over 180 shows in multiple countries under his belt, including a celebrated Netflix special, Das has solidified his reputation as a boundary-breaking comedic force. Beyond his stand-up success, he has made waves in film and television, starring in blockbuster Bollywood hits and international productions like the ABC series Whiskey Cavalier and Netflix's Hasmukh.

In a recent interview with Life, the comedian shared his excitement about returning to Bangkok for a stand-up performance, as well as recalling fond memories from his earlier stint shooting a film in the city.

Congrats on your upcoming Mind Fool Tour show in Bangkok. Have you ever visited Thailand before?

Yes, I have. I was in a movie shot in Bangkok before called Badmaash Company for Yash Raj Films, and I think we stayed at the Grand Sukhumvit Hotel Bangkok for 45 days during the shoot. I remember doing a couple of public shows there as well, but that was a long time ago. But this is going to be my first time doing proper stand-up in Bangkok.

Can you give us more information about your upcoming performance in Bangkok? What's the meaning behind the Mind Fool title, and what type of impact do you wish to leave on the Thai audience?

The show is called Mind Fool and it's for the idiots in the world who feel like they haven't grown up, which is certainly how I feel. I feel like a child who's pretending to be a grown-up and I think a lot of grown-ups feel that way as well, that they don't really have their stuff together. And so that's the core feeling of the show. We'll talk about travelling, happiness and kindness. We'll talk about family, love and democracy, you know everything. And I hope that you will go home laughing. That's really all.

In your extensive journey across the world, what has been the most profound experience that hasn't translated to the stage yet?

Well, I've been around the world three times. That's a tough question to answer but I think it's my latest project co-directing a movie, which I'm also co-producing and starring in. So this is probably the toughest thing I've ever done because I've never taken a leap like this before in my life.

Due to extensive touring, you've experienced different types of audiences. What do you believe makes your humour global and which elements do you believe resonate most with people?

I'm an outsider, man. It's as clear as that, I'm the perpetual outsider. I grew up in Africa as an Indian and then I was in an African-Indian boarding school. And then I was the Indian guy in college in America. And then I was the guy from American drama school in Bollywood. And then I was the guy from Bollywood who's trying to make it in Hollywood. I've never fitted in anywhere. And that's what makes it global. My show is for the outsiders.

Asides from humour, your shows evoke certain emotions and feel a little bit more introspective, and go beyond comedy and satire. What are you hoping to achieve by this?

Nothing. I'm just talking. I'm just being honest about how I feel and there's no intended outcome. But if you want to have an intended outcome, then you should just do jokes, because then you can say, laughter is dependable. You'll always get laughter. I also like silence once in a while, if it feels natural, and if it doesn't seem manipulative.

You recently performed in some of the world's most famous venues like Carnegie Hall in New York. The atmosphere and history must have been completely different to what you've experienced in the past. How was that for you?

I don't think it changed the way that I performed. It's definitely high expectations, because it's Carnegie Hall. I was the first comedian from India to do it, and fortunately it sold out months in advance. However, at that moment, you don't want to think about your own legacy or anything. You just want to put the audience first, and so let's make this about them.

So apart from the show, what are you most looking forward to while being in Thailand?

I'm gonna eat a lot. Normally I always try to stay in shape. I'm carb-free and sugar-free, but that breaks when I go there. So I'm just looking forward to enjoying some fine dining and local food in Bangkok.

Vir Das will perform on Sunday at KBank Siam Pic-Ganesha, 7th floor of Siam Square One, Rama I Road. Tickets cost 1,800, 2,800 and 3,500 baht and can be purchased from Thai Ticket Major outlets (visit

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