66 young leaders shaping Thailand's future
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66 young leaders shaping Thailand's future


Look at the world today, and you may say that it belongs to the younger generation. Mark Zuckerberg, who is just 28, has emerged as one of the most successful businessmen in the world on the basis of his Facebook social network.

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In Thailand, Abhisit Vejjajiva and Yingluck Shinawatra became prime minister in their 40s, an age considered too young to run the country in the past.

The ascendancy of young Thais is not confined to politics.

We have also witnessed the rise of many young people to the helm of giant business corporations: Suphachai Chearavanont at CP Group’s True Corp, and Thapana Sirivadhanabhakdi at Thai Beverage Group, to name but two.

We strongly believe that young people are likely to play more such important roles in future and it will be this generation that shapes Thailand in the years to come.

The Bangkok Post’s special birthday publication this year, marking its 66th anniversary, will explore the visions and roles of these young individuals or groups.

The criteria we adopted were that they must be no older than 40, with provable success in their work.

As the newspaper’s special publication is intended to mark our anniversary, we have limited the number of young successful people to 66.

That made the selection a difficult task for us, as we found there were many young achievers who were qualified to be on our list. It took our editorial team months to debate and select those who made it.

We cannot say that this is the perfect or definitive selection, but we are confident that you, our readers, will agree with us that the 66 people selected indeed deserve to be honoured.

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