11 Things to Say If Caught Sleeping on Your Job
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11 Things to Say If Caught Sleeping on Your Job

Earlier this week, pictures of two members of the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) caught catching 40 winks, during a meeting to pass the 3-trillion-baht budget, were wildly circulated and ridiculed online. In their defence, the sleeping members said their snoozing was due to health conditions.

Taking a cue from these esteemed gents, here are other "explanations" that could be useful when you're caught sleeping on the job or during a really boring meeting.

1. I'm terribly sorry but the orphaned baby squirrel I rescued yesterday requires feeding once every four hours.

2. They told me this may happen after donating blood.

3. I'm so sorry. I got up really early today to give alms to monks.

4. No, I'm just resting my eyes and contemplating about what we're discussing.

5. I wasn't sleeping. I'm a devout Buddhist who needs to do several meditations during the day. It's my right to practice my belief.

6. Boss, have you ever heard of a power-nap? I just want to restore my energy and enthusiasm to give you my best.

7. The chair is too comfy and the air-con is too cold.

8. Starbucks must have mistakenly given me a decaf.

9. I was burning the midnight oil, writing a thesis for my master's.

10. Well, it's not like I'm driving or operating heavy machinery.

11. It's Siri's fault. She woke me up at 4am (This may not get you out of trouble but may receive some LOL at a techie company).

Seriously, dear sirs, I don't know what's more concerning between you being caught sleeping on your important job with a six-digit salary or you not having the sneaky mind to walk out of the room and take a nap somewhere else so your beauty sleep won't be eternally captured like this.

Pornchai Sereemongkonpol

Guru section Editor

Guru section Editor

Email : pornchais@bangkokpost.co.th

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