Postbag: Sex workers flout law
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Postbag: Sex workers flout law

I was so pleased to see the government and law enforcement officers taking human trafficking seriously (BP, Jan 13). Does this mean they will arrest the several criminal gangs and hundreds of Uzbekistan and Eastern European prostitutes that work every night in the Sukhumvit Soi 3 and Soi 4 area?

Does this mean that the hundreds of illegal prostitutes from Eastern Europe who send their earnings out of Thailand, pay no tax and have no work permits, many of whom are trafficked ... will all be gone? Everybody knows about them as they live in the condominiums around that area and are seen every night in the streets plying their trade.

I wonder why it is that as we work hard, pay tax and have work permits. why it is these criminals can work illegally in full view of everyone but no one does anything. So it is so good to hear the police and government want people to report it and they will do something. Well done. I am sure all the decent people of Thailand and taxpayers will be happy to see this gone from their country.


Hard to show respect

Islam has a problem with criticism and ridicule, and humour — a characteristic of evolved and civilised institutions and societies — is an absolute no-no. However, when the boot is on the other foot many Muslims are happy to hand it out to others, hate speech being but one of a number of examples.

Sadly, Islamic institutional leadership is weak or self-serving. Tyrants and bullies fear ridicule. Those not confident in their belief systems fear criticism.

Double standards and hypocrisy, denial, lack of awareness, and immaturity are all in abundance but it should be acknowledged that all conventional religions suffer these acute psychological ailments and leadership issues.

Religions demand one-sided respect (and one does try to be amenable) but it is enormously difficult to offer reverence to so much all-inclusive brainwashing nonsense. It really is time for humanity in general to grow up — to move on from the current low intelligence and behavioural levels of “football club religion”.

John Shepherd

Cops turn a blind eye

Barry Kenyon (Re: “No room to jail drivers”, PostBag, Jan 13) has it right when it comes to the priorities of the traffic police. People are pulled over because of illegal left turns, for not wearing helmets and for document checks, but have you ever seen anybody stopped for speeding in city streets or narrow sois?

About 30% of the farang I know here in Pattaya are victims of reckless drivers who were speeding or doing dangerous sudden turns. My best friend is gone.

He is not dead, but was left with a severe brain injury after a hit-and-run accident in Jomtien. He now lives in a sheltered home back in Europe.

What a great way to “enjoy” his retirement days. So, when are the police going to wake up and get their priorities right by setting up their forces to stop traffic behaviour that kills people or disables them for life — instead of concentrating on minor traffic offences that only bring in money?

Are the police only uneducated, greedy, lazy fat cats? Watching big flat-screen TVs in their police boxes, sponsored by private companies?

Or sitting under shady trees armed with a camping chair, coffee cup, and cigarettes, waiting for victims of the almost invisible one-way traffic sign on Walking Street? What a waste of police capacity.

A North Country Man

Poll change too risky

Transferring the power to organise elections and penalise poll candidates to the Interior Ministry is a potentially disastrous move (ThaiPulse, BP, Jan 13). Elections in Thailand are fragile and easily manipulated by those with power.

Recent history tells us the record at the ministry has been abysmal both in terms of performance and integrity. Placing the fox in charge of the chickens will never bring an end to endemic electoral fraud.

Michael Setter

136 Na Ranong Road Klong Toey, Bangkok 10110
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