Nothing ever changes
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Nothing ever changes

After three decades in Thailand, I find that nothing has changed in the Land of Smiles. Thai society is still complaining about the same issues such as epidemic corruption, the deadly road situation and inefficient education system. I am only a farang guest in my beloved Thailand and probably should not comment on these situations.

I am a passionate racing cyclist who spends at least two hours on the road every day.  The death  of the Chilean on his around-the-world bike trip last week has touched me deeply because I face similar dangers every minute while I’m on the road. Why are Thais behind the wheel so reckless and careless to other road users? It cannot be blamed on the missing laws or rules because also Thailand has these regulations like every more or less civilised country in the region. Maybe somebody is able to explain why nothing changes here. I hope it might once again become the Land of Smiles.


Stupidity of fanatics

Re: “US creates terrorists”, (PostBag, Feb 24).

Mahamas Kromas derides John Arnone for his letter “Head in the sand” and asks if Mr Arnone ever condemned the American invasions of Muslim countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan and Libya.

I would ask Mr Kromas if he ever considered the fact that these six countries had already been in the process of destroying themselves, and in some cases each other, long before America became involved after 9/11? I admit, America made the mistake of thinking that by taking out the leaders of these countries perhaps that would end it all. What George Bush and Barack Obama, along with their advisers, did not understand, is that you cannot, nor ever will, change the mentality of Islamic extremists.

The world is full of good Muslims, as it also has good Christians, Jews, Buddhists and other religions. The problem is, all these religions, or beliefs, also have their, extremists, and that is not what we need.

Don’t blame America, and don’t blame all Muslims. Just blame the extremists that exist in all of them.

Charlie Brown

Jabs don’t always work

Regarding the BBC’s recent report on the death of a child in Germany from measles and the outbreak of the highly communicable disease there, the common misconception is that vaccination provides 100% protection.

Citing the recent outbreak of measles at Disneyland in California, the US Centres for Disease Control concluded 12% of the cases occurred among those who had been vaccinated against measles, some multiple times.

Although the multinational pharmaceutical companies insist the only solution is compulsory additional vaccination, there is insufficient evidence to support this approach. More research from sources independent of the influential drug industry are needed.

Michael Setter

Reform boys in brown

Atiya Achakulwisut’s Feb 24 commentary on road safety says everything about road safety in Thailand, but fails to name the elephant in the tent.

It is in plain view on highways and byways throughout the country, dressed in a brown uniform, shaking down road users, who pay the money and carry on as usual. There is no hope of solving this problem without a top to bottom reform of the Royal Thai Police.


State-run entities fail

Re: “Chatuchak vendors sold short in struggle for survival”, (Spectrum, Feb 22).

The decline and mismanagement of the Chatuchak weekend market is classic evidence of why state-run corporations should be kept out of the business sector.

The inefficiencies and lack of common business sense of these dinosaur state entities is staggering.

The State Railway of Thailand is an abject failure at running the country’s trains. Why would anyone think it would do better in a sector completely removed from its mandate and “expertise”?

Samanea Saman

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