Democracy on trial

Eric Bahrt in his letter, "Better late than never", (BP, July 10) demanded that I, among others, apologise for being a junta apologist and anti-democracy advocate. That is funny, allow me to explain why.

Mr Bahrt thinks that by referring to freedom, democracy and the right to free speech in his arguments, he can win every debate.

However, when it comes to the problems of freedom being used by politicians as a pretext to be corrupt and pillage -- and democracy being used as an excuse to mass-murder people -- Mr Bahrt always ducks the issue.

Hence, my response to Bahrt's accusation that I'm against democracy is: "Ho-hum".

In turn, I would advise Mr Bahrt to go read these two books: The Ugly American and The Quiet American.

In doing so, he will better understand his own nature and characteristics as an American living abroad.

Vint Chavala
Some explaining to do

In writing about the coup, David James Wong writes: "The results are evident." (PostBag, July 10).

Evident of what? That the economy is sluggish and would probably be in a shambles if it were not for tourism?; that the junta has been condemned by every reputable international human rights group in the world?'; that corruption and unequal justice under the law is still rampant?

Then David tells us the Thais "seem happy". What does that mean? Were they manically depressed when Yingluck Shinawatra was in power? What does he base his assumption on? Has he talked to the poor forest dwellers who have been thrown off their land? Or what about the people rotting in jail cells because of lese majeste? Does he know any of those 13 peaceful demonstrators who were recently in shackles?

Who are the Thais David talked to? The elitist snobs in Bangkok who caused all this mess in the first place?

Eric Bahrt
Barking, blithering

An online new story reports that three teen racers were killed and two cops seriously injured. Now, let's see Prayut's bite.

He promised to prosecute the parents of teenage motorcycle racers. Unfortunately three teens died, for which their parents are ultimately responsible.

Their deaths do not atone for lousy parenting. As for the two police, the parents of these deceased racers should be made to pay for their hospitalisation as well.

Do I sound cruel, indifferent and uncaring? No, just the opposite. But if an example is to be made, do it now, now, now. Do not wait for more of the same to happen. Put a bite into a noisy bark.

We're all in the gutter

Pattaya used to be a lovely vacation spot some time ago. Now Pattaya stands out as one of Thailand's most dirty cities. Recently, a warning was issued against swimming in Pattaya's sea because of pollution.

For years the city council and government have promised a cleanup, but these are only words and nothing is actually done. Soon there will be no beaches and tourists will no longer come to this city.

And that's not all. Pattaya City is run by the mafia, not the council nor the government. Let's look at some examples: Taxi drivers refuse to turn on the meter, no one follows government rules, and those using motorcycle taxis still face getting ripped off.

A meter taxi trip from central Pattaya to the hospital, Bangkok hospital, a seven-minute drive, costs 300 to 400 baht.

Now, Pattaya has got a new council that started working last month.

What was the first thing they did? They issued a crackdown on food vendors and fruit salesmen who bother no one.

There is a lot of work to be done here to revive this once-lovely place. Stop making empty promises.

Arne Lindoe

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