Massaging the truth

Re: "20 officers linked to parlour files", (BP, Jan 16).

Is there possibly anyone in the kingdom who is the least bit surprised by the revelations of police involvement in protecting prostitution and human trafficking at a Bangkok massage parlour? It is a safe bet that similar lists and files of police and revenue officials receiving favours in return for "looking the other way" could be found in hundreds of other establishments around Thailand.

Samanea Saman
Red-light disgrace

Police and prosecutors allege (Victoria's Secret Massage) parlour crossed the line of legality and decency in several ways. The parlour operators -- one is under arrest and six have outstanding warrants against them -- apparently forced a 12-year-old Myanmar girl into prostitution.

This statement from the police beggars belief. A walk down some of Bangkok's so-called entertainment venues designed especially for visiting tourists and staffed by women and young girls (mostly not Thai, I suspect) conducting acts of gross indecency should also be investigated. They are a disgrace and should not be tolerated in a civilised society.

Brian Corrigan
Plastic catastrophe

Re: "'Cure' worse than cause", (PostBag, Jan 15).

When I was a kid, fish and chips and meat would come wrapped in paper, sweets were in paper bags, drinks cups, ice cream tubs and straws were cardboard and any clear packaging would be cellophane.

On a trip to the greengrocers, I would take a cloth or string bag. Drinks bottles had refundable deposits, papers were bundled up and sold for a few pence and kitchen waste was turned into compost.

Plastic bags were a novelty, until they started to proliferate. They are largely completely unnecessary. but are too convenient to use.

Bernie Hodges
Sharing the blame

Re: "Pailin probes airport food court publicity", (BP, Jan 16).

It has been revealed that shop and restaurant operators at Thai airports should not be the only parties blamed for their high prices. High concession fees, rent -- and, maybe, "tea money" -- are the cause of their high prices. We know airport facilities are a big investment, and builders and/or owners need to recover their money as quickly as they can. If the authorities want to help travellers and users of airport facilities, they should provide fair business grounds to such operators.

RH Suga
Rock star treatment

Re: "Rocker Sek Loso accuses police of double standard", (Online, Jan 15).

Yes indeed, the police do have double standards. While Sek "Loser" was practically wined and dined after being arrested, others who are not so fortunate, and who are guilty of lesser offences, were probably arrested and are still languishing in cells, unwined and undined.

Trump delights Brits

Donald Trump has delighted millions of Brits by cancelling his visit to the UK. His reason was because of the inferior new embassy signed off by "President Obama". Actually George W Bush made the change.

When Mr Trump gets something right it will be a first.

Richard Bowler
Prayut as Robin Hood

Re: "PM plots path to post-election power", (BP, Jan 15).

If your analysis is accurate, it sounds like Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha is setting himself up to be prime minister for the indefinite future. If so, I guess the only thing I can do is hope that he is as generous with the poor as he has been with the military.

A Reader
Prawit's time is up

On Prayut Inc's balance sheet appears the greatest liability of them all -- watch-laden Prawit. This is the worst non-performing double-laughing stock that PWC would recommend a write-off. He's the source of shame and embarrassment to the regime. Time to ditch him.

Norman Sr
Presidential disbelief

"I am not a crook" -- Richard Nixon, 1973. "I am not a racist" -- Donald Trump, 2018.

As believable now as it was then.


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