Meaning of cronyism

Re: "Cronyism 'typical'?", (PostBag, April 13).

Khun Korn Chatikavanij said, "First, we need to establish that governments are in power to do a job and the civil service is the manpower it needs to use to effect its policies".

Surely you must have excluded Yingluck's government? Two weeks before the coup, the Constitutional Court sacked Yingluck, then caretaker prime minister, and nine of her ministers for "improperly" sacking National Security Council secretary-general Tawil Pliensri.

About the meaning of "cronyism", I think Khun Korn is too picky. It is generally accepted that the word means the practice of giving important jobs to your pals, siblings, including people you can trust, regardless of their qualifications.

Who serves who?

I do appreciate Khun Korn's comments on recent transfers of civil servants and cronyism. However, I will also consider the issue of "appropriateness or otherwise".

The permanent secretary for finance resigned when asked to take over the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB). Much like the current problem in US bureaucracy, civil servants tend to grow roots so long that they become almost impossible to move. This leads to a perceived reversal of roles, the civil servant no longer serves society, society serves him (or her).

Thailand permits someone such as the permanent secretary for finance to also serve as the board chairman for a large bank. Were this the case in a developed country, it might be defined as a conflict of interest. Perhaps Khun Somchai Sajjapongse quit because the appointment at the NESDB would not have afforded sufficient symbiotic benefits that a bank chairman might have become accustomed to.

Uninvited guests

Re: "A thief is a thief", (PostBag, April 13).

Jack Gilead tried to claim that China is as greedy as the UK, by saying "Chinese forcibly marched uninvited into Tibet in the 50s."

Can J Gilead answer me who invited the Briton to cross the ocean to usurp India (also the Australian continent, Falkland island, Gibraltar, etc.)?

While Tibet has been a part of China off and on for thousands of years, it wasn't long ago when British troops lead by Col Francis Younghusband marched into Tibet (of course uninvited) after occupying India. In the process, thousands of innocent Tibetans who only had ancient weapons to defend themselves were slain. Can J Gilead answer me who is the real satanic thief is, China or England?

Taking back Songkran

When we first started visiting Thailand 15 years ago, Songkran was a very different celebration. Even on Silom Road, excited young people would respectfully ask permission to splash you, which usually involved tipping a small cup of water, either over your hands or if they were feeling very bold, on your shoulder. Others would (also after first asking permission) gently apply a small amount of powder to your face. It was gentle, it was refreshing, and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Then, gradually, came the water pistols, the buckets and the hoses. And the excessive drinking and drive-by water dumpings.

The profits from personal water canons, waterproof mobile phone satchels and alcohol proved to be much more interesting than looking after the health, well-being and culture of participants.

I applaud the campaign in 2018 to bring the Songkran festival back to something like its not-so-distant, gentler self. We can only hope that the "new look/old look" celebrations are a great success and the beginning of a return to sanity.

Here's hoping. And Sawasdee Pee Mai to all the lovely people we have met in this beautiful country of yours.

Inconsiderate drivers

Re: "Manslaughter charge mulled for ambulance-blocking driver", (Online, April 12).

It's about time that an example was made. It is the exception, rather than the norm to pull over for any emergency vehicle in Thailand. When I pull over to give way to an emergency vehicle, drivers behind me blow horns and scream obscenities.

What did the lady think when an ambulance behind her was flashing its lights and running its siren? Did she perhaps think she was so beautiful that the paramedics were trying to overtake her in order to make a date?

I do not use term stupid lightly, but this woman is a classic case of "stupid". Her vehicle operator's licence should be revoked…for life. People like her do not belong on the roads. If this were Canada, she'd have lost her licence and been given a hefty fine as well. Not giving way to an emergency vehicle is considered a criminal offence.


Lack of common sense

Regarding the controversy over Gen Prawit's watch collection, I suggest he should return them all to the family of his rich and deceased friend.

If the government decides he can keep the collection, he will declare them as inherited assets and not pay anything to the tax authority.

This would be the logical resumption of the matter. Unfortunately, that's not something that ever happens (or can be expected) in Thailand.


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13 Apr 2018 13 Apr 2018
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